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Lions at Raiders Week 15 Thread

Romneybot said:
One timeout for Oakland...don't give them anything here.

they only need to get to our 40 for janikowski. 45, they'd probably try from there too.
okay....i can understand cutler escaping a sack....but CARSON FUCKING PALMER??????????
Seriously, how are they so godamn open on every single play? They're not even challenging the receivers and they're not getting a pass rush, this is just pathetic.
avril would have about 35 sacks this year if he learned how to shed to the inside and get off the block once he pushes so far up field.
I just want to point out that our safeties are trash.. Could not get back Delmas soon enough..
Long FG attempt by Janikowski, who more than most of his kicking peers, almost always makes those, and he does...meh.
this game is so huge. lose and we've got a 1 game wildcard lead. WIN and we have a two game lead.