Very good.
I wouldn't say it was way better, or even better; I also wouldn't say it was not as good.
I would say it was the same humorous theme with things that things that were better, but also things that were not as good.
We could actually do a comparative matrix between the two, not entirely unlike the hot/crazy matrix.
It was better in that, being longer and more expansive, there was time to develop a number of additional funny jokes - all women are at least four level crazy; the danger zone consists of red heads, strippers and women named Tiffany; above 8 hot and below 5 crazy doesn't exist - the unicorn zone. If you meet someone like that, it's probably a smokin' hot tranny - are the best examples.
Very, very good.
Not as good -
Slower to develop - especially compared to the How I Met Your Mother clip - wouldn't work in a sitcom, which is what the what HIMYM clip written four.
The guy has nowhere near the charismatic delivery as the great Neil Patrick Harris as the character Barney Stinson.
Cobie Smulders isn't in.
If you take Cobie Smulders out of anything and replace it with something without her, unless there is at least one smoking hot chick to replace her - at LEAST one - that's hard to overcome.
As an addition, in the HIMYM clip, Barney is introducing the matrix regarding the crazy/hotness paradigm of the character Blah Blah, played in the episode by the also astonishingly beautiful Abigail Spencer, who currently plays Lucy in the new TV Sci Fi time travel adventure
Timeless, in the
How I Met Your Mother episode titled "
How I Met Everyone Else," Season 3 episode 5.
Here Barney continues:
So my clip has that going for it, too.