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Michigan Football and Fanbase Factoids


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Since we don't have other fanbases posting here like in the ESPN days, I've compiled this list of reminders about us before the season starts:

  • Michigan fans' idea of tailgating is sipping wine on the golf course, while quietly discussing whether to roll your 401K into a Roth IRA before the end of the year.

  • Inside Michigan Stadium, everyone sits quietly, occasionally clapping if the team scores, and listens to the game on 1960's transistor radios held close to their ears

  • If you stand up and cheer inside Michigan Stadium - even if you're cheering for Michigan - other fans will ask you to please be quiet and sit back down

  • If you do it again, or yell "FUCK OFF" or "SUCK MY DICK," a bunch of psychology and women's studies professors will show up and escort you out

  • the Michigan crowd is the quietest crowd in college football

  • Michigan football hasn't been relevent since the leather helmet days

  • Michigan football is overrated.

  • The media loves Michigan Football

  • Michigan's helmets and uniforms are bad because they don't change every few years

  • Michigan fans are all arrogant, rich, snobs

  • Michigan fans are all uneducated, low-class Walmart shoppers
Some of your factoids are a little bit contradictory to each other, wouldn’t you say?
Bo never cared about National Championships.

Michigan never loses; it just runs out of time.