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Mid--American suspends refs in CMU game

Bob, you put this in the News and Announcements. Moved it here. Thought about NCAA board, but I know most of us care about this.
I could have swore I put it in the ncaa thread.. Man what the heck am I looking at. Man I looked twice and still missed it.
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It was a good call in my book, even if the rule isnt written. You shouldnt be able to try to run out the clock, fuck up by intentional grounding and then be rewarded for it. Someone said this will be brought as rule change over the winter. Game can't end on a defensive penalty, why should it end on an offensive penalty that includes loss of down? On 4th down mind you! What's funny is that even the Big12 officials in the booth thought it was the right call and didnt know it was the wrong ruling. Apparently they thought it was fair, too.

Delay of game, by any side(offense or defense) of the ball, by the team in the lead should be penalized accordingly, especially with no time left on the clock.
It was a good call in my book, even if the rule isnt written. You shouldnt be able to try to run out the clock, fuck up by intentional grounding and then be rewarded for it. Someone said this will be brought as rule change over the winter. Game can't end on a defensive penalty, why should it end on an offensive penalty that includes loss of down? On 4th down mind you! What's funny is that even the Big12 officials in the booth thought it was the right call and didnt know it was the wrong ruling. Apparently they thought it was fair, too.

Delay of game, by any side(offense or defense) of the ball, by the team in the lead should be penalized accordingly, especially with no time left on the clock.

It was a terrible call. You may feel it is a bad rule, but the call was terrible.
The state of Oklahoma looks like the most overrated state in college football after two weeks.
Tom, you know what else were bad calls? Picking up a blatant holding call in the red zone that basically allowed OK State to score a TD. Calling a PI on 3rd and 18 where both guys were just jostling for position.

All they had to do was take the snap, turn around run backwards for a few seconds and fall over. OK State did everything humanely possible to lose that game, and they deserved to lose.
Tom, you know what else were bad calls? Picking up a blatant holding call in the red zone that basically allowed OK State to score a TD. Calling a PI on 3rd and 18 where both guys were just jostling for position.

All they had to do was take the snap, turn around run backwards for a few seconds and fall over. OK State did everything humanely possible to lose that game, and they deserved to lose.

those are all typical calls that happen in every game. The blown call at the end of the game was a pure mis-interpretation of the rules by every official. There is a big difference IMO, and in the opinion of the MAC, who suspended the entire officiating crew. They don't suspend an entire crew for a blown PI call or a holding call.
Picking up a holding call is typical? Not really. That was Lions-esque in the timing and horrible decision.
those are all typical calls that happen in every game. The blown call at the end of the game was a pure mis-interpretation of the rules by every official. There is a big difference IMO, and in the opinion of the MAC, who suspended the entire officiating crew. They don't suspend an entire crew for a blown PI call or a holding call.

Unfortunately, it seems they don't do anything about a blown PI call or a holding call. Maybe they should, though.
It was a terrible call. You may feel it is a bad rule, but the call was terrible.

Great call!! Best call of the season, so far.

I guess they should have suspended the B12 officials also, since they could of contested this so called "rule" from up in the booth(they were the replay officials). They didnt and still I havent heard what the call should have been. Does anyone know what the exact rule states?
Great call!! Best call of the season, so far.

I guess they should have suspended the B12 officials also, since they could of contested this so called "rule" from up in the booth(they were the replay officials). They didnt and still I havent heard what the call should have been. Does anyone know what the exact rule states?

I'm sure that if Michigan was on the OK St side you would have a different opinion.