My consider the source comment was right on target, or do we need to revisit the whole Molotov cocktail thing again?
Also you say we should fight them. Okay, how? Because we can't do shit to Al Qaeda because they are not a country, they don't wear uniforms, they don't have a capitol or ambassadors, they attack us and plant IED's in plain sight because we don't know they are bag guys until it's too late. So while it's easy for you and jdilco to say yeah, let's go kick their [ISIS/ISIL] asses, you have not put an ounce of reasonable thought into it.
How many dead, wounded, and PTSD'd Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines came out of the last knee-jerk reaction? You cannot fight a conventional war against these people, and even if we's not our fucking business. We are not the worlds policemen, and it's not our place to go and deal with what is not a direct threat to us. We have enough problems as it is. Besides, Iraq has an army, Jordan has an army, Egypt has an army, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel.....let the people in the region deal with the problems in the region.
How many fucking Vietnams do we have to have before idiots will learn that just throwing military force at something is no solution at all?