Done are the results
I went back 50 years (25 elections) (This does not include the 2014 election as full results aren't in yet)
- A positive percentage means the house percentage was higher than the popular vote percentage
- A negative percentage means the house percentage was lower than the popular vote percentage
- Note: Some years included both positive, this is due to the popular percentage of both parties adding up to less than 100%
- From 1964 to 1992, districting favored Democrats (greatly so in some cases)
- From 1996 to present, with the exception of 2006 and 2008, districting slightly favored Republicans (greater in recent years)
- The 1994 and 2006 Houses were the best representation compared to popular vote
Data for reference
Raw numbers are from Wikipedia
I did not account for independents, I do not think this will alter the data too much, here are the 3rd party counts by year
2004 = 1
2002 = 1
2000 = 2
1998 = 1
1996 = 1
1994 = 1
1992 = 1
1990 = 1
1972 = 1