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Noter Dame Sucks

Seen elsewhere ...

So Bryan Kelly has killed a kid, covered up a rape that caused a suicide and committed academic fraud. That's the coaching trifecta there.
wow. in the sbnation link says Vegas has pulled all betting on ND until all fallout becomes clear. says could be as extensive as the UNC basketball scandal.
I don't feel sorry for them

Just imagine if they had beaten Bama. What a headache bcs would have

I think we do retake percent as it is as if those games were nit ok layers

Can calculate it by just removing those games
? "I'm shocked, shocked to find academic fraud going on in here!"
Capt. Louis Renault.

Vacate doesn't change the other teams record

And right now it is 2012 they are looking at
Nope, still not undefeated if the wins are vacated.

Yeah, we know all about being on that end of vacated wins. At least Domers aren't as likely as Buckeyes to go ahead and use your stats from now so they don't have to acknowledge the change in their own record books.
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You know what's awesome about all this? We don't play these fuckers anymore.

Shit happens for a reason, folks.
If ND's program takes a fall for this, the ACC gets to have mediocrity ruining their strength of schedule. Better them than us. I'm glad that fucking series ends this year.
no, dipshit, it's noter dame.

I got it right with intent and a very long standing joke among friends, the ranks of which do not include you.
"There are academic scandals and then there are the academic scandals at Nuh-ho-truh-dame!"
Pretty screwy season record if you vacate ND's 2012 wins: 0-1, with a loss in the Nat. Championship game.
Grains of salt included:

Campus Insiders ‏@CampusInsiders
BREAKING: EXCLUSIVE- Source close to Notre Dame program: Last 4 years of wins could be vacated. More details to come in upcoming video.