that's definitely not true.
- - the second set of charts track business investment (definitely not an opinion chart) which is up $300 and it is clearly a reversal, not a continuation of a trend.
- The next charts, durable goods orders and capital goods shipments - actual orders and shipments, not opinions about orders is also a clear reversal of a trend.
That's 2 of the first 3 sets of charts and the 1st set, although it's an survey or an opinion, it's a widely followed leading indicator of economic activity, same with the 4th set (the ISM PMI - it is s survey, but it's backward looking about actual activity). Also, while the New Business Applications was trending upward, it accelerated dramatically about a 1/4 after the election, that's not a continuation of a trend. Same w/ the workers reentering the workforce, although that acceleration has not been as dramatic.
Blue collar job growth, also not an opinion poll is another example of a reversal of a trend.
At best, there are 2 charts that look like a continuation of a trend but it's not clear as day as both accelerated noticeably after the election.