I forgot to include the link in my post (
here). I'll refrain from any editorials, so we don't get bogged down in semantics, and you can read it for yourself:
Caughran went on to ask Shea to connect him with ?John Jacob Schmidt,? the pseudonym of far-right podcaster Jack Robertson, who once proposed physically attacking liberal demonstrators in a leaked group chat that included Shea.
Shea replied to Caughran and passed along his request to Robertson.
this after Caughran fully appraised Shea of the "Rugged Boys" intentions, as you can read in the article.
the lawmaker?s connection with Team Rugged was hardly a secret: In July 2017, during the annual God and Country Celebration in in Marble, a conservative religious community in northern Stevens County, Shea posted a Facebook Live video that shows him interviewing three Team Rugged members in their early 20s.
?Tell everybody out there in Patriot Land, what is Team Rugged?? Shea asks in the video, holding a microphone. ?What are you guys doing??
One member, wearing a green shirt and a camouflage baseball cap, answers: ?Team Rugged is basically a school of learning for young men to give them all the foundational learning and skills that they need to be effective in Christian warfare.?
Shea then muses about the group?s capabilities. ?I love the fact that you guys looked like almost an acrobatic special-forces team out there,? he says.
I guess not everyone in Spokane is batshit insane:
Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, who has urged fellow Republicans to denounce Shea as an extremist, compared Team Rugged to the Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany.
?Any radicalization of youth in such a manner would be very comparable,? Knezovich said in a text message Wednesday.
Shea, who rarely speaks to the media, had not publicly responded to the reporting on Team Rugged as of Wednesday evening.
what do you have against Portland anyway? Sad the "Proud Boys" didn't get any support there?