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Ohio State : Why are they getting off easy?


Aug 6, 2011
Someone please explain to me how this university cannot get a lack of institution control tag put upon them. Three more guys...

It cannot just be money that they are making for the NCAA. It has to be something deeper like favoritism from Mark Emmert. I just do not understand if they do not get hammered. I am so tired of ESPN and other entities saying how O$U owned Michigan the last 10 years but not mention how many dirty players they have been running through the institution. WHY ARE THEY GETTING A FREE PASS.
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Someone please explain to me how this university cannot get a lack of institution control tag put upon them. Three more guys...

It cannot just be money that they are making fro the NCAA. It has to be something deeper like favoritism from Mark Emmert. I just do not understand if they do not get hammered. I am so tired of ESPN and other entities saying how O$U owned Michigan the last 10 years but not mention how many dirty players they have been running through the institution. WHY ARE THEY GETTING A FREE PASS.
since the punishment hasn't come out yet I think it is hard to say they are getting a free pass.
Maybe your right but the media still seems in love with that crappy place still.
The media has been all over the Buckeyes. But what the media missed was that outside of the original tattoo allegations and their cover up there is not a lot of actual evidence to support all of the allegations against my Buckeyes.

Doorman's SI article had onlyan anonymous source as evidence. There is no way sanctions based on that wouldmstand up to appeal. The Dispatch's car article only mentioned one actual violation (Gibson's $0 car) but that turned out to be false. The rest of it was just a pile of suspicious circumstances. ESPN's story on Pryor taking money was based off of Antonio Henton's younger brother's statements. The rumor is the guy who was supposed to be paying Pryor SI ply didn't have that kind of money.

FWIW, I believe there was probably some shenanigans at the car dealership(s), I certainly think Pryor was on the take from Sarniak, and I was surprised that no drug angle came out. If you think about it, everything came to light because of some player's association with a known drug dealer. But again, without any evidence the NCAA really cannot act. I suspect the penalty for the Tat 6 and coverup will be stiffer than people expect but not enough to satisfy those believe Ohio State really was guilty of everything. Similar to how the Maurice Clarrett thing worked out all those years ago.

PS sorry for the typos. I have not mastered the nuances of typing on an iPad
Clarrett, Smith, Pryor, and tat gate... Rat Tre$$el cheated since his days at YSU.... No penalty is to bad for all the crap O$U has gotten away with over the last ten years..
Hopefully they get what they deserve, there are a lot of people not affiliated with UofM that will be completely disheartened if tOSU gets off easy.
they will likely get the same treatment USC gets...but what gets glossed over in all of this is the inequal punishment the NCAA continues to levy out.

BSU recently found guilty of widespread failure to comply and receives a THREE scholarship reduction. No games forfeited...No bowl probation...nothing.

Auburn's starting qb is found to have had someone openly campaigning for his services and to date NOTHING has been done to barn?

We'll see what they have in store for Miami.