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OT: Management Dilemma

though in this day and age, if enough people really started mailing back heavy junk in postage-paid reply envelopes... and it put the squeeze on the direct marketing business, they'd probably respond by getting Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell to ram through a bill that put taxpayers on the hook, requiring the government to compensate all direct mail marketers for any postage paid return that didn't result in a new customer. and they'd call this "small government" and the Tea Party would support it.

Would this be anything like our Jackass president ramming a socialist health care plan down the throat of the American public forcing insurance cost per family to rise $70-$100 per week? The economy will turn back toward recession next month when we start taking the financial hit. Book it. I will not vote for ANY incumbents. They are all incompetant.
Would this be anything like our Jackass president ramming a socialist health care plan down the throat of the American public forcing insurance cost per family to rise $70-$100 per week? The economy will turn back toward recession next month when we start taking the financial hit. Book it. I will not vote for ANY incumbents. They are all incompetant.

Assuming you're right, I think it might take a while. There are ways to delay the impact for 6 or 9 months...maybe a year. I forget. But there's a way for companies to kick the can down the road a bit.
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Having talking points is a last resort but "James" provides her three bullet points based on the content of his intended presentation ...so the "talking points" would follow the intro text I copied above.

And I'm not a huge fan of "per our conversation" but it is better than her saying;

"Thanks for your generous amount of time on our earlier call"

And this is just the prose and isn't representative of the innaccurate info which is the bigger concern.

This is how her Quarterly Review began:

"I feel hugely transitioned over the past quarter"

WTF does that mean?

Sorry Vic, I thought the thread had run its course. ;)

In all seriousness, for the intending of your hugely critically important clients to be in positively receiving information in the utmost accuracy and readability possible, it would behoove me to instill a gramatical safety net in the requirement of her forwarding the email unto the inbox of yourself or another management official in a preemptive attempt to proofread her composition for gramatical and contextual truthfullness.

{well that sounds very Asian!}

Her emails need to be proof read before she contacts the client.
Especially with the multiple warnings you have given her.
How frustrating this one must be for you.
and if I complained about it, KAWDUP would defend the practice and say I was just an elitist who thinks he knows things with his books and his big words. and Red would stay on the fence and claim it's important to consider both sides of every debate.

If I could do that and still make you look like the ignorant jerk you are - I'm all in. GO FOR IT!
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Meeting scheduled for 9am. I have been at my desk since 6am.

Have written six very specific types of pre-constructed emails and am going to provide specific expectations for improvement over the next month/quarter.

This will be considered a "verbal warning" and any subsequent "warnings" will be written. I spoke to our superhot HR VP and she said our company policy is such and that a second "violation" is sufficient to justify termination ....in other words, we don't have a "three strikes" policy but that the first "warning" must be fully described as a warning and documented and expectations have to be clear.

I'm in a nasty mood too ...been awake since 3am and have been gone for five days.
If I'm going to drop some PE I'm going to come heavy with something like,

So welcome to the Terrordome
Subordinate terror
Kickin' off an era
Cold deliverin' pain
My 98 was 87 on a record yo
So now I go Broncos*

* (gratuitous Broncos reference)
If I'm going to drop some PE I'm going to come heavy with something like,

So welcome to the Terrordome
Subordinate terror
Kickin' off an era
Cold deliverin' pain
My 98 was 87 on a record yo
So now I go Broncos*

* (gratuitous Broncos reference)
actually, yeah that's even better.

she won't know what hit her
Did not go very well, all in all.

She was really nervous and got rather defensive and had some "prepared remarks" for me. Then she said something about getting "mixed signals" since she's been here regarding certain things.

But, having to meet about something for a fifth time warranted doing what I had to do. Shitty morning and she's walking around all pissy and was away from her desk for an extended period of time.

But it's done ...now I just need to have a "talk" with the Mrs and smooth over that problem.

But, I did sell our rental property this week, so I got that going for me ...which is nice!
Did not go very well, all in all.

She was really nervous and got rather defensive and had some "prepared remarks" for me. Then she said something about getting "mixed signals" since she's been here regarding certain things.

But, having to meet about something for a fifth time warranted doing what I had to do. Shitty morning and she's walking around all pissy and was away from her desk for an extended period of time.

Some people just don't want to be led.
She's all over the place so I had no choice. If she can improve, we're good ...if not, the founder and Wealth Management Director of our little $73B investment trust has my back and is himself, very frustrated at the obstinance. He's an incredibly fair and loyal guy but like the saying goes, he speaks softly and carries a big stick. When it's to the point that he is going to say something, it's not pleasant to be on the receving end (or so I have heard).

So if there is no improvement, that may be the next conversation and I won't have to be the lead.
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