Melissa Harris perry. Same dummy that recently claimed star wars is racist because Vader is in all black, with a black voice, but a white actor inside. She should have been fired a long time ago.
shows need to stop having good/bad guys. everyone should just be on the screen. they shouldn't move or talk. and they need to all wear a grey colored outfit, have grey makeup, grey contact lenses, grey hair....
OH FUCK!!! I just picked on all of the older people with grey hair!
ok, time to gouge everyone's eyes out so we cannot differentiate by color at all. probably need to remove all sensory organs while we are at it. anything that provides feedback about any type of difference in the world must be eliminated!!! soft/hard...loud/quiet...salty/sweet...
only way to move forward as a civil and non-discriminatory for everyone to die apparently. time for the universe to hit the reset button and have a giant asteroid kill 99.5+% of all life again.