Are you fucking kidding me?
Nobody wants those jobs, which is why we need immigrants to do them. There is absolutely no gang of people bitching that all the dishwasher, motel maid service, day laborer, janitor, etc. jobs aren't available to them because of guest workers.
If that's what you want to believe, did a globalist republican tell you that? Lol . No sir thumb I am NOT FUCKING KIDDING YOU!!!
Although the H-2B program requires employers to advertise job openings prior to petitioning for guest workers, the ads are designed to attract as little attention from American workers as possible, according to Smith.
“Buzzfeed found that while employers do post ads for American workers, they employ numerous strategies to make sure no one actually responds. The investigation found that one guest-worker employer, Talbott’s Honey of South Dakota, ran ads in newspapers in Texas and New Mexico, hundreds of miles away from its area of operation. Similarly, in North Carolina, the state’s online job board incorrectly posted seasonal Christmas-tree-cutting jobs ‘in the wrong counties, sometimes hundreds of miles from any pine forests.’”
As a result, Buzzfeed reported, “workers looking for Christmas-tree work close to home face a peculiar paradox: The only way to find the openings nearby is to search in a faraway corner of the state.” Other ads across the country simply failed to include contact information or the name of the company.
Another clever tactic of H-2B employers is to include overly stringent requirements in the want ads.
Lori Johnson, a lawyer from Legal Aid of North Carolina, told Buzzfeed that there is little evidence such requirements are ever imposed on the foreign guest workers who ultimately get the jobs. The ads are designed to “filter out U.S. workers,” Johnson concludes.
This may explain why, in fiscal 2015, only 505 American farmworkers in North Carolina found jobs from listings on the state’s Department of Commerce’s website, even though more than 7,000 American farmworkers in the state had registered with the agency to seek work.
“Quadrupling the number of H-2B visas will artificially increase competition for the jobs that typically go to the nation’s most vulnerable. Black unemployment in North Carolina, for instance, is 17 percent, four times the U.S. average and the fourth-highest rate for blacks across the nation. Members of Congress from Maryland and North Carolina, such as Congressional Black Caucus chairman G. K. Butterfield (D., N.C.), should join the bipartisan effort to condemn the bill,” Smith concluded.