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Aug 6, 2011
I watched some of it but was doing other things so I need to watch it again.. Not sure I have time to invest in another tv show... Did anybody else watch it and have thoughts!!!
I saw.

But I'm not sure all of it fits. The militia uses muzzle-loading rifles, and everyone else uses crossbows or bows and arrows, but this country is loaded with semi-automatic rifles and pistols, and miles and miles deep of ammunition, can't tell me that after only 15 years it's all gone.

I'll probably watch a few more episodes just to decide of it's trash or not.

Same with the one about the submarine on ABC, the previews make it seem intriguing, but I'm not sold.
I thought it was ok but I wasn't paying a lot of attention. I wondered the same thing about the guns.
. . . and would some of the places they show be that far gone in just 15 years?

Thinking Wrigley field here, and the airport(s).
I like it so far...but these are the people that made Lost, right? The ending had better be tied up more solidly. I read it's already been picked up for next season.
I saw.

But I'm not sure all of it fits. The militia uses muzzle-loading rifles, and everyone else uses crossbows or bows and arrows, but this country is loaded with semi-automatic rifles and pistols, and miles and miles deep of ammunition, can't tell me that after only 15 years it's all gone.


I thought it was ok but I wasn't paying a lot of attention. I wondered the same thing about the guns.

yeah, those are good questions. Mad Max 2 was the same; he had a sawed-off, but not much ammo, and most of the fighters in the movie were relying on primitive weapons. but then again, the Aussies are not the completely insane, gun-nut, right-wing freaks that we Americans are, so there was probably less ammo to begin with.

I don't think it's that difficult to make your own ammo. for a couple grand, you can buy presses & equipment to roll your own shotgun shells at home. you can re-use the shells.

melting down lead/iron/steel for bullets isn't too difficult.

I think the tougher part would be making gunpowder and the primer to ignite it. surely someone could figure out how to do it... and any post-apocalypse militia worth their salt would amass and secure supplies of the necessary goods and people who knew how to manufacture them
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Manufacturing without power would be tough, but you would think there would be enough around already.

. . . or maybe there was a mad rush to secure as much as possible, and the common slug just doesn't have access to it?
Maybe there was a mad rush. That could end up being part of the storyline. They do say that America is still a group, maybe they are just in a different part of the country. I know it has some of the Lost people involved and the show has that feel already.
There coulda been a war.

Even so.

It would not have come close to emptying the stockpiles of guns and ammo in this country.

It's fiction, just not all that believable. Maybe if it had been set 40-50 years into the future.
do they still have product placement?

like despite the apocalyptic nightmare they're living in, they can still go to McDonald's for an apocalypse meal, and pickup some stuff from Walmart, as they drive around in their Fred-Flintstone foot-powered SUV?
do they still have product placement?

like despite the apocalyptic nightmare they're living in, they can still go to McDonald's for an apocalypse meal, and pickup some stuff from Walmart, as they drive around in their Fred-Flintstone foot-powered SUV?

Maybe the bow and arrow brands. And they have used an iPhone a few times and shown the Apple logo.

But I think another question that's similar to the gun question should be....where the fuck did all the swords come from and how is everyone suddenly Errol Flynn?
Any comments on last night's episode?

They do make a case for the rush to stockpile all available weapons. Maybe 15 years is long enough.

. . . probably not.

Uncle finally commits to the niece.
swords? that is dumb.

I think for untutored fighters, spears and clubs would probably be more effective... who is going to teach everyone how to fence?

dude... If things go to shit, I'm getting my hands on as much ammo as I can, and if I can't find much, I'm going down to DIck's sporting goods, and looting as many easy-to-swing metal tee ball bats as possible. then I'm going to town on every former republican I can find.

but tee-ball bats don't look as cool on TV, so I guess that explains the swords. maybe the sight or thought of people brutally beating eachother into bloody messes also gave the network execs pause, so they opted for the swords: clean wounds... no blood splattering all over the place, etc.
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Any comments on last night's episode?

They do make a case for the rush to stockpile all available weapons. Maybe 15 years is long enough.

. . . probably not.

Uncle finally commits to the niece.

I still think the basic premise of the power outage and the country's situation 15 years later are a failure, but...the back story is becoming interesting now that we see that Uncle Miles is actually the reason for Charlies mom being held captive.

I'm still watching, though parts of the concept still bother me.

I also like that J.J. Abrams is not afraid to kill off cast members.
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there are some pretty big plot holes such as the mother just now being interrogated after 5-10 years of captivity.

Everyone's skill with the sword can be explained by them having been trained by Miles.

To me these shows always struggle with explaining how the military is overrun (this is the only part of the walking dead that bothers me) but I try to suspend disbelief to enjoy a unique show that isn't yet another cop/doctor/lawyer show or another reality retread.

I want to like this show but the acting is pretty bad...last resort is a better new show (also struggling with some realistic issues) but the acting is much better with more accomplished actors.

I know the majority of characters in Lost were unknowns (Matt Fox is Revolutions's Billy Burke) but I'd have to say Fox is/was a much more household name.
there are some pretty big plot holes such as the mother just now being interrogated after 5-10 years of captivity.

Everyone's skill with the sword can be explained by them having been trained by Miles.

To me these shows always struggle with explaining how the military is overrun (this is the only part of the walking dead that bothers me) but I try to suspend disbelief to enjoy a unique show that isn't yet another cop/doctor/lawyer show or another reality retread.

I want to like this show but the acting is pretty bad...last resort is a better new show (also struggling with some realistic issues) but the acting is much better with more accomplished actors.

I know the majority of characters in Lost were unknowns (Matt Fox is Revolutions's Billy Burke) but I'd have to say Fox is/was a much more household name.

Okay, so how did Myles become Errol Flynn in order to train everyone else?

The concept only works if you just accept it as is and don't think about it.

It's kept my attention so far based usually on the last 5 mins of each episode, where the huge shock always takes place.
I like the idea of a civil war that they showed in the last episode with individual groups vying for power...that idea has so much more promise and would actually be a cool show than watching YET ANOTHER episode of them looking for her brother. It's one thing to hit a lull once a show is established it's another to waste five episodes with essentially the same plotline. There has to be more than one story to drive a new show and right now I'd rather seeing them kill her brother off than spend multiple more episodes on his "rescue"