yeah, I'm really going out on a limb here by saying Roger Ailes was a bad guy. I can only imagine how much worse the world would be if it wasn't for him getting Richard Nixon elected president and running Fox News from 1995 to 2017.
I'm not really sure how much impact Ailes really had in getting Nixon elected nor whether Fox News has ever really been much more than a bogeyman for the left.
I don't know that Ailes did anything to get Nixon the Republican nomination in 1968 - Reagan, Rockefeller and one other name candidate went into the convention with delegates also, but Nixon was certainly the most "establishment" Republican in the nomination process that year; having been a Senator and then Vice President for eight years and narrowly losing to Kennedy as the candidate in 1960.
In the general election, Vice President Humphrey, not possessing a particularly charismatic nor visionary personality, ran representing an administration that had become very unpopular - so unpopular that LBJ withdrew from the nominating process after an unimpressive showing in the New Hampshire primary.
Probably George Wallace, who siphoned off a lot the still Democratic Dixiecrat vote and won some electoral votes that likely would have gone to Humphrey, and Sirhan Sirhan were more influential in Nixon's election that Roger Ailes was.
Republicans won three presidential elections in a row - '80, '84 and '88 - before there was Fox News, and gained a majority in Congress in '94 for the first time in generations two years before Fox News was launched.
I never saw Fox News as much more than an echo chamber for people who were gonna be conservatives anyway, and also an Infomercial for "American Idol" and other Fox Broadcast network properties.
Ailes made himself and some other people a lot of money, but his influence on the political landscape is I would say vastly over rated by many people.