I wonder how they are reporting it in Russia? Three words into typing that question I realized they probably aren't.
the same way Time, CNN, Newsweek, ABC/NBC/CBS, etc. and even Fox News would report it if the opposite happened:
If it benefits the US govt/ie the Military? report it straight.
if it doesn't? don't report it at all,
unless someone else will, then try to spin it, or report it on a Friday afternoon, when everyone is at the bar getting loaded.
you have to admit, since 2003, the Pentagon's PR Dept. has done a pretty damn top notch job of keeping the US population in the dark about what's going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, or any of teh 100 other places we're in! Impressive!
the only real screw ups are the several dozen or so minor flubs when they reported drone strikes on "militants" that turned out to be innocent weddings or picnics, and they got called out for it. but most people in the US just yawned, or ignored those. or accepted the rationale that "a couple" misses were okay since we were "probably" or at least "mostly" killing "bad guys" and all these things seem remote enough.
and then the Pat Tillman thing, and later Chelsea Manning's leak/wikileaks, the former of which just made Rumsfeld, et al have to attend a couple unplanned hearings, when his family wouldn't shut up about it, and the latter of which did have some actual consequences. but given The War On Terror will be seventeen years old this fall, only one PR scandal to affect policy is a pretty great track record!