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Sandy Hook families win ruling against Alex Jones

LOL, yes, let's hear from the guy who denied the Sandy Hook shooting happened about why him being held accountable for his reckless and idiotic behavior would be bad for society.

He seems like a perfectly sensible person to listen to...

who was it who said
...the whole point of this post is to go after someone for agreeing with jones on completely unrelated topics.
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It's because he is. I read articles from the Daily Wire almost daily and I've never seen any supplements for sale there. So I clicked on the link for the Daily Wire store and again, no supplements for sale - it's all books, t-shirts, coffee mugs and other branded junk.

So I googled (actually I binged b/c I'm at work) "Ben Shapiro supplements" and it turns out he is a celebrity endorser for some company that makes training supplements like creatine and protein powder. It's odd that it's not featured on his website, maybe he plugs it on his podcast or something.

He seems like an odd choice for such a company since he's not an athlete or body builder - maybe they couldn't afford a deal with The Rock or Joe Rogan. Now, I'm not saying these supplements are legit but they're the kind of things you've been able to get at GNC for decades. I've never used creatine but I have protein shakes all the time (Kirkland brand).

The one video/article I found critical of the products comes from a youtube channel/blog called "The Progressive Voice" so I take MC's position on this w/ a grain of salt (where a grain is the size of the iceberg that took down the Titanic). Anyway, it doesn't appear to be what some here would have you think. I guess it's just easier to make up shit to discredit people than to debate their positions.

KABC Los Angeles just picked his radio show up for for the 3-6 pm Pacific time slot, replacing John Phillips and Jillian Barberie, who moved to the morning drive slot, replacing the newly retired Doug McIntyre and also Leanne Tweeden, who joined Doctor Drew Pinsky in the noon to two slot.

On his radio show Shapiro seems to read his own ad copy.

So far, I see him as primarily a political satirist, not unlike Chelsea Handler and Bill Maher and and Samantha Bee and Ann Coulter.
There's a long, thoughtful write-up/takedown of Ben Shapiro's antics here.

I read it a while ago, and found it persuasive.

No one has ever asked me to debate Ben Shapiro's positions... but the article I linked to so thoroughly debunks them (at least those held as of the date of the article 12/1/17) that I see no reason to.
There's a long, thoughtful write-up/takedown of Ben Shapiro's antics here.

I read it a while ago, and found it persuasive.

No one has ever asked me to debate Ben Shapiro's positions... but the article I linked to so thoroughly debunks them (at least those held as of the date of the article 12/1/17) that I see no reason to.

Ben Shapiro is a hack. He's the Cenk Uygur of the right at the moment. Such a punchable face.
Ben Shapiro is a hack. He's the Cenk Uygur of the right at the moment. Such a punchable face.

When did Cenk Uygur characterize entire ethnic/religious groups with negative statements like Ben's "Arabs like to live in filth and bomb things" quote?

I'd also say his show The Young Turks was actual journalism, like they research and report on people and events, while Ben just opines on things.

TYT might use stronger language than CBS, CNN, etc. in their reporting, but that doesn't mean they're equivalent to what Ben Shapiro does.
There's a long, thoughtful write-up/takedown of Ben Shapiro's antics here.

I read it a while ago, and found it persuasive.

No one has ever asked me to debate Ben Shapiro's positions... but the article I linked to so thoroughly debunks them (at least those held as of the date of the article 12/1/17) that I see no reason to.

All you have to do is read the first paragraph of that link to know it's not remotely thoughtful and just another substance free leftist hit piece. Of course you found it persuasive, that should surprise no one.
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watch Ben Shapiro debate Cenk Uygur, then let me know if they're on the same plane.

Sounds like an awful time but if I'm bored I will give it a look.

When did Cenk Uygur characterize entire ethnic/religious groups with negative statements like Ben's "Arabs like to live in filth and bomb things" quote?

I'd also say his show The Young Turks was actual journalism, like they research and report on people and events, while Ben just opines on things.

TYT might use stronger language than CBS, CNN, etc. in their reporting, but that doesn't mean they're equivalent to what Ben Shapiro does.

Both use extreme rhetoric to their advantage and throw low hanging fruit to their base while mostly expressing contempt for ANYONE they disagree with.

I hate how it's inconceivable nowadays to disagree with someone but still respect them. These two fuckers are some of the biggest culprits out there.
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There's a long, thoughtful write-up/takedown of Ben Shapiro's antics here.

I read it a while ago, and found it persuasive.

No one has ever asked me to debate Ben Shapiro's positions... but the article I linked to so thoroughly debunks them (at least those held as of the date of the article 12/1/17) that I see no reason to.

I read the first part of this link and it reminds me very much of the racial bias thread.
There's a long, thoughtful write-up/takedown of Ben Shapiro's antics here.

I read it a while ago, and found it persuasive.

No one has ever asked me to debate Ben Shapiro's positions... but the article I linked to so thoroughly debunks them (at least those held as of the date of the article 12/1/17) that I see no reason to.

This guy Nathan J. Robinson who wrote this article is funny too.

If he had a radio or television show I would listen to it or watch it also.
When did Cenk Uygur characterize entire ethnic/religious groups with negative statements like Ben's "Arabs like to live in filth and bomb things" quote?

I'd also say his show The Young Turks was actual journalism, like they research and report on people and events, while Ben just opines on things.

TYT might use stronger language than CBS, CNN, etc. in their reporting, but that doesn't mean they're equivalent to what Ben Shapiro does.

This is your MO, take something out of context, make a specific, targeted comment seem like a generalization of an entire group of people so you don't have to address the fact that he's right and you don't have to defend your support for terrorists. Ben Shapiro on the "Arabs like to live in filth and bomb things" tweet:
This particular tweet has been floating around on the internet for some eight years. It’s also taken completely out of context. I've explained this ad nauseum...I haven’t deleted the tweet because to do so would be to suggest that I agree with the Left’s framing of the tweet — which I do not. I was specifically tweeting about Arab leadership in the Arab-Israeli conflict. In the same way those on the Left say “Russians hacked the election” when referring to the Russian government, I said “Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage” while referring to the Palestinian terrorist governments of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority and their political supporters, who have shifted tens of millions of dollars from building up the lives of their citizens toward terrorism and bloodshed.
that tweet had several follow up tweets explaining this, but of course those are never quoted...

Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. #settlementsrock
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010
There are many, many Christian and Muslim Arabs who are wonderful people. Just not the ones who oppose Israel in Israel/Arab conflict.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010
In the post re: Israelis vs. Arabs I wrote about Arabs who take part in the Israeli/Arab conflict, as any1 who can read knows. #dumbasses
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010
@mattduss Apologies! You are correct re: slur about Arabs. Not all Arabs like open sewage and blowing things up. Just Pals and their allies
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010
@MarkAdomanis I think it has much more to do with the fact that Palestinian leadership supported by Pal population uses millions for terror.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010
@shoshido I should have been more specific. Arabs who actively seek Israel's destruction and who aren't wealthy oil barons.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2010
AND TYT is actual journalism? That could be the dumbest thing you've ever posted. It's nothing but moronic partisan nonsense.
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Sounds like an awful time but if I'm bored I will give it a look.

Both use extreme rhetoric to their advantage and throw low hanging fruit to their base while mostly expressing contempt for ANYONE they disagree with.

I hate how it's inconceivable nowadays to disagree with someone but still respect them. These two fuckers are some of the biggest culprits out there.

That's not true at all - Shapiro speaks at Universities regularly where he invites those who disagree to skip to the front of the line and gives the priority during Q&A. He's virtually always respectful to those who want a genuine, respectful discussion. He does make fun of all the crybabies who try to shout him down and keep him from being heard but I don't know why anyone would fault him for that.

Cenk Uygur on the other hand talks over and insults anyone he disagrees with - watch him interview any conservative on TYT.
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There's a long, thoughtful write-up/takedown of Ben Shapiro's antics here.

I read it a while ago, and found it persuasive.

No one has ever asked me to debate Ben Shapiro's positions... but the article I linked to so thoroughly debunks them (at least those held as of the date of the article 12/1/17) that I see no reason to.

Not to be too pedantic, but since nobody with the UTLA is teaching anybody anything right now, this graduate degree holder from the Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism at USC, former UTLA member and English teacher in the LAUSD is going to do a little bit of punctuation education.

?Kid?s? in the title of the article needs to be ?kids?? - the plural possessive.

We all fuck up on our posts on this board with grammar and punctuation and spelling and what not-hell, I do it myself six days a week and twice on Sunday. But if you are actually publishing anything you are claiming to be a journalism, or editorial journalism-I think you need to have the basics right.
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“Arabs love to live in piles of their own filth, and bomb shit.”

What’s wrong with that?

It’s funny.

That’s pure comedic gold.

I mean, I wouldn’t say anything like that if I was running for president-although Trump seems to be able to get away with shit like that, or close to it-or if I was anchoring the NBC nightly news, but beyond that, what’s wrong with it?

The filthy bomb loving Arabs that I hang out with don’t think that highly of Ben Shapiro. They say “he’s just another cheap fucking Jew.”
"And there were a few Jewish cowboys - big guys who were great shots and spent money freely." - Mr. Bergstrom portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in The Simpsons: Season 2, episode 19.

That myth about Jewish people being cheap was debunked years ago.
"And there were a few Jewish cowboys - big guys who were great shots and spent money freely." - Mr. Bergstrom portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in The Simpsons: Season 2, episode 19.

That myth about Jewish people being cheap was debunked years ago.

Season 2 of the Simpsons?

That was a long time ago.

Was there even television back then?

The late great Gene Wilder played a rabbi/cowboy in The Frisco Kid back in the once upon a time.
This guy Nathan J. Robinson who wrote this article is funny too.

If he had a radio or television show I would listen to it or watch it also.

There's a YouTube clip of him giving a speech on a college campus.

I think it was UConn? not sure. but he was invited after some right-wing group invited Ben Shapiro; his speech was in response to that, and about how decent human beings should respond to hatemongers like Shapiro.
Season 2 of the Simpsons?

That was a long time ago.

Was there even television back then?

The late great Gene Wilder played a rabbi/cowboy in The Frisco Kid back in the once upon a time.

1990 - don't know why I remember it but it's one of those lines that has just stuck w/ me, like "Oh Marge, Sipowicz does it!" I think of that line every time I see a guy wearing a tie w/ a short sleeved shirt.

I didn't see the Frisco Kid in the theater but I probably saw it on TV a handful of times before Season 1 of the Simpsons.
This is your MO, take something out of context, make a specific, targeted comment seem like a generalization of an entire group of people so you don't have to address the fact that he's right and you don't have to defend your support for terrorists. Ben Shapiro on the "Arabs like to live in filth and bomb things" tweet:
that tweet had several follow up tweets explaining this, but of course those are never quoted...

AND TYT is actual journalism? That could be the dumbest thing you've ever posted. It's nothing but moronic partisan nonsense.

none of those other tweets disavow the racism inherent in the first one, nor does the "context" provided, which the article I posted expressly linked to Shapiro's actual tweets. And of course he's said many more awful things about Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians, and the article I linked to included actual quotes of his, in context, or his original tweets, so you can see he's been consistently racist on this point.

The rest of your post is just personal insults, and doesn't refute anything I wrote with substance; I don't see any reason to respond.
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