anyway, the only thing that might be a little unbalanced between the two divisions is that right now Michigan State and Ohio State are by far the two best teams, and they're in the same division.
That's the case a lot of the time in the S EC with Auburn and Alabama, just like last season.
But it's a year-to-year thing. In my years of watching college football off the top of my head I've seen Illinois ranked number one I've seen I Iowa ranked #1, obviously Nebraska has won national championships, Wisconsin has one Big Ten championships and Rose Bowls...if they started dividing the conference based on who they speculated was going to be good this year, are they going to start re-dividing it in seasons I had based on the same speculation?
That is why to me the geographical split makes the most sense; I thought the Leaders and Legends split was stupid, and beyond that, they were going to leave the Ohio State Michigan rivalry every season intact anyway.