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The Minnesota at Michigan Score Prediction Thread

Yeah, and it is for one of the oldest trophies in college sports, the Brown Jug. Hoke is going to have the team up for this one.

Keep the Jug in Ann Arbor! GO BLUE!
Michigan -- 38
Minnesota -- 10

Wile with a 37ish yard FG and defense gets a pick 6
Jever4321 said:
GoBlueInAtlanta said:
Yeah, you picked the Gooophers. You better switch that around before geezer locks you in.
Hah, I always put Michigan first! You know that.

Oh, you meant -

UM - 34
UM - 21

I thought you meant -

UM - 34
UM - 21

My bad.
I was at the 2007 Little Brown Jug game when Mallett filled in for Henne. I will say...

Michigan 28

Minnesota 10
17-38 Michigan wins. The defense will create 3 turnovers and Denard will have 3 passing TDs. The Brown Jug will be ours again and I will miss the entire game due to a wedding.
35-10 Michigan.

Denard better have at least as many Passing TD's as Rushing TD's or something bad is going to happen. I don't know what it is, but I bet it will involve several INT's.
architect said:
17-38 Michigan wins. The defense will create 3 turnovers and Denard will have 3 passing TDs. The Brown Jug will be ours again and I will miss the entire game due to a wedding.

I know the feeling...I love that my family has an awesome place on one of the most beautiful lakes on Earth but it brings some downsides...

Like me having to go up every fall (this weekend) and take out the dock and the boat. (Facepalm) We have HD at the lake house but I will be busy during the whole game. I guess we can just thank god some nerd created that awesome little thing called a DVR.
Michigan - 49

Mini-soda: 7

This is a "no-contest". Minnesota is horrible, plain and simple. Michigan will probably get off to a slow start, but the D will stop the Gophers and create turnovers and then...BAM!...lights out.
Michigan 45 - Minny 10
Making the trek from Kentucky (former MI resident) for my first ever game. I hope the whole game is a highlight reel for Michigan!

Go Blue!!!