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The Official Akron vs ][V][ichigan thread

The team looks like it is pointing fingers at each other...Gallon was yelling at Gardner after missing the throw...the defense is a joke....offensive line sucks..

7 plays 75 fucking yards
Let's see how we can fuck up this great field position now. I'm guessing a first down run for a loss of 2 or 3 yards
If we don't score here, I'll say it...we lose. Akron has way too much confidence right now. We need to smash them in the mouth and fuck their sisters.
Remember that one time when we scored 59 points on a crappy MAC team?
I've figured it out: the players ate all 5,000 doughnuts offered at the game and the sugar crash has set in.

(apologies if anyone has already posted this. I haven't read the entire thread.)

Didn't post exactly that, but that's what my wife is saying. No more doughnut games.