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The Official UCF vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

FUCKING PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darboh! Speight! Where's my Butt!?!?!
No Hurst figured out how to defend the read option. Just take the qb AND the rb.

Right? That was incredible. I thought he was one of the LBs until he finally brought the back down. I didn't see his number and he was so fast that I thought it had to be a LB.

Him and Steve Levy.

I remember after the 1997 season, in one of those all star game types of exhibitions, Frost, who obviously was never going to be an NFL quarterback, was in the game as a defensive back.

Brian Griese was the opposing team's quarterback, and caught a pass out of the backfield on a trick play.

Scott Frost laid him out. Scott Frost looked very proud of himself after that play.
Want to see our guys get healthy. Would love to see a full roster against PSU and UW
UCF's D is really fast. They pursue really well. Say what you want about Frost, but he clearly knows what he's doing. Wouldn't doubt that he's back home in Lincoln in the next few years.