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The Official Wisc vs ][V][ichigan BTT thread

you got it all wrong. i was ecstatic last year with the team because they played great. losing in the first round sucked because you hate to lose but i didnt think they would win it all so you get over it.

this year they actually have the talent and for a long time during the season looked like they could win it all. i am not upset about losing most of the games they have. what upsets me is underachieving and the team not looking like they have improved. if they went out every game and left it on the court and lost i would be ok with it. there have been plenty of times as of late that it looks like they are just going through the motions and not trying. this is infuriating because its like they are taking their opportunity for granted. if they came out this tourney and started playing with heart and passion again i wouldnt care how far they made it.