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the old board is a little slim...


Active member
Aug 4, 2011
Just wondering, how many of you when severely bored, go over to the old board? I can't help it I do it. Its good to get rid of the trolls, but I give in now and then to see the latest from poopster and now bama fans lol.
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I honestly have only been back 2 or 3 times. It's funny to see some of the newer Michigan fans because you gotta think they have no idea what that board used to be like. They probably think they are some of the first to inhabit the ESPN Michigan board. When in reality it used to be so much different.
Honestly, and this means no disrespect to Monster, we would all probably still be there if they didn't change the forum. It's funny how a little editing can ruin what was a very enjoyable message board.
The old board was terrible. Trolls and tattle tales and censorship.
I think I may have posted like 10 total times to the Michigan ESPN board since it transitioned and most of those were like the day is moved.

I still hang around the general CFB board because it's really the only thing that has consistent posts every single day. Even the old Michigan board was basically like this one + trolls. The trolls made it a little more interesting in the off season when there wasn't much to talk about but beyond that it's not much different here than it was.
I still don't understand who convinced ESPN to change what was working. Does ABCD still post there?
I still don't understand who convinced ESPN to change what was working. Does ABCD still post there?


as a Reminder-- all of this is flowing from the Horrific Bowlgame Loss to MissState. Which I wont go into-- except to say, that it was an R2 Thing. NOT-- a MICHIGAN Thing.

So-- from THAT, to an Opening Season Game against the Defending National Champion. This says A LOT-- about MICHIGAN.

We also have to recognize Saban too-- sure, he will grab All The Money He Can, when he can get it.

But I believe he PLAYED CFB at Kent State-- and was even On-Campus for the Infamous Kent State Shootings during the Vietnam War. His B10-coaching Roots Are Well Documented.

And I can see, sure-- the Texas Bowl ?? or whatever it is, Saban says. And Saban continues-- Well, lets go WAY BACK. Back to WHERE I remember Growing-up . . . . . and beyond. To being TOLD-- about The University Of MICHIGAN.

And Jerry Jones says-- a Pre-Bowl Game against MICHIGAN ?? . . . . . Why didnt I think of this . . . . .
It's really scary that he posts that way. Responding to himself, and just the overall weirdness. I have no idea what kind of person he/she would be in real life.
It's really very pathetic and not worth the time it takes the pages to load.
It's really very pathetic and not worth the time it takes the pages to load.

I'm pretty sure abcd1960 is a.

. . . . . C O M P U T E R . . . . . P R O G R A M . . . . .
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it is scary.... i'm fairly convinced that he is actually a humanoid robot. I work for HVA and every home saturday that I work, I wonder if I will see some crazy robot roaming the golf course mumbling about the BO - Lineage- - etc... As far as the old espn board, I have no idea. I loved the old board(minus the censor and report violation crap) even though just an avid reader. I do try and post more now a days
I do sometimes miss having other teams fans bounce in and out. That was usually entertaining. The new format is totally unusable from my phone and it's painfully slow and boring there since everyone came over here. I wonder why some stuck it out over there? I'll never understand.
Because of 4 big letters: ESPN. People will swear by them, no matter how shitty it may be.
The old board went through changes that resulted in how sucky it is now .... The opposing fans were fun and so were some of the trolls, but it disintegrated into crap where trolls got regs banned and posts deleted. And not having the stupid shit that would have been posted about Carter leaving ...or Touissaint's DUI ...or how a 4* kid coming to Michigan really isn't a 4* or really that good, or really for that matter even a football player, etc, etc, etc, etc
Because of 4 big letters: ESPN. People will swear by them, no matter how shitty it may be.

Have you noticed how ESPNsucks has been getting gutted by the non-ESPNsucks outlets lately? The 4-team NBA Dwight Howard trade ...Jay Glazer with NFL news and more and more often it seems all ESPNsucks does is respond to news by having every single person on the network repeat the same "take" on the same few stories all day long.

By the time Tony Kornholer and Michelle Wilbon get to scream at one another, it's been 8 hours of the same crap.
I do believe that in 15-20 years, there will be an organization that ousts ESPN. I just don't think its feasible for one company to have a stranglehold on sports media for this long, when there are so many other outlets, new media, etc... that are starting to emerge.