I'm now actually scared about his incredible lack of understanding about the world and what it takes to govern.
You don't really sound very scared. If it is same kind of scared that one would have for the first black president with no almost no governing experience, then, yep, I understand. I get it - fear of the unknown, or fear of losing some net worth.
But think of this another way:
1) Someone came and forcibly took over your house and started killing your loved ones.
2) You have gone bankrupt and are preparing to be homeless.
3) Your house burns down, and you have no insurance.
4) A natural disaster destroys your city.
5) Someone decides you don't deserve medical attention due to the expense, and your quality of life ranks just above being left for dead.
These are things I am afraid of. Really afraid. Having a president like Trump ranks about 1000 times below any of these things on the "scary" list. Please come post again when this president truly is the cause of something like this happening to you.
I'm also confused about Russia and why a us president would ever want to be in bed with them.
Currently this is still just supposition that it is even being considered. Call me when it actually happens.
I also don't understand why Russia, the FBI and hackers were in collusion to ruin Clinton.
If you really want to know why, all you have to do is follow the money. You would be surprised how self-serving these people can be.
I've never been more embarrassed as an American yet made a relative shitload of money since the election, but would gladly trade that short term windfall for some dignity and integrity in D.C.
Again you don't really sound very embarrassed. Sounds like just words. I was embarrassed to be an American when we bombed the Chinese embassy by mistake. I am embarrassed to be an American when I see the abject cruelty which some in power are willing to carry out on other human beings.
Oh, I know, you're embarrassed you made all that money, and didn't give it to charity?
There are so many more things that are worse than having a president like Trump, it isn't even funny.
So to put it in your words - spare me the manufactured sense of indignation.