I know none of it makes sense that's why I'm mocking you for it but you believe every word of it.
Climate is your religion, plain and simple - the government and science priests you worship demand absolute loyalty, the say the science is controvertible and you believe it. That's religion, not science.
In 2019, one of the really smart people you trust in government (insert clever emoji indicating mockery here) said the world would end in 12 years if we didn't spend at least $14T to tear down and rebuild our society and economy - with a primary focus on racial justice, because the climate is racist too. According to their climate clock, we now only have 6 years, not 8 years to act. We have one here in NYC in Union Square, one of the busiest hubs in the City. It's beautiful and you can't miss it - millions of people see it every year
It's dogmatic, absolute, you're condemned or at least doomed if you don't believe it. You even have the possibility of redemption - if you give up your freedom and hand over $14T to your cult leaders. That's a religion.
You mock religion at the same time you're a follower of one based on junk science and fear mongering. Anyway, don't you have anything better to do with your 6 years?
Hey buddy, the topic here is your belief in ancient fairy tales, not climate change. Have an ounce of respect for others and keep your insane ramblings contained to the proper discussion.
Any adult who believes in religion deserves to be mocked. It is no different than a person making it to adulthood and still believing in Santa, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.
Funny how you far right activists are constantly screaming about indoctrination when you are the biggest groomers of them all.