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Tower Heist


Aug 6, 2011
Budget 85 Million, and the take was 146.5 Million.

It could have been better but I found stuff to laugh at and that was what we were looking for. No reason to Harp on it. I knew what to expect and it had enough for me..
Take Ben Stiller out of it and I might even want to see it.

Seriously, why do they keep putting that guy in movies.
Because he's Ben Stiller. Come on man. Lol. I just brought a PS Vita, wtf was I thinking but its beautiful and I rented this movie to test with which I'll do tomorrow. As long as it doesn't completely suck I'll be okay with it.
Ben Stiller has 3 characters.

The neurotic goofball, the faux toughguy, and the oblivious idiot.

Yet they toss 100 scripts at him a year, and usually manage to get his douchebag buddy Own Wilson in half of them.

If you have seen Meet the Parents, Zoolander, and Dodgeball you have seen his entire acting range.
Dude, Zoolander is epic. And from an American society that can't get enough of reality shows like dancing with the stars and parking wars etc, what do you expect.
I'm not complaining about the first few movies he made Mitch, I'm complaining that he keeps making them, as the same person.
People watch it. Why do you think there are so many reality shows, people watch it. From fat women teaching kids of spoiled parents to dance, to singing shows with none other than Steven Tyler, lol, to Cooking wars and parking wars and baking wars, and bridal wars and all that BS. Its easy money.
Don't forget storage wars.

People love watching that shit.

They just can't get enough.