Is that this?
Now, if anyone actually believes that Trump wasn?t trying to get Zelensky to ?dig up dirt? on Biden for the 2020 election, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I?d like to show that guy.
But-that is not what Trump said.
Trump was talking about reopening what appeared to many to have been a legitimate investigation into Biden?s son?s employer that was stopped by Bidens own action-at least that is what Biden himself said:
To me, that is a hell of a lot more factual evidence of quid pro quo and abuse of power than there is factual evidence against Trump from the phone call.
Again-my opinion is Trump was probably surreptitiously trying do ?dig up dirt? on Biden to tarnish him as a presidential candidate - but that?s just my opinion; it isn?t what Trump said and my opinion doesn?t make it a fact, and nobody else?s does either.
The fact is Trump recommended-or requested-the reopening of what could have been a legitimate investigation that Biden, again, apparently had shut down, likely for personal reasons, not for the good of the United States or our relationships with the Ukraine.