Actually, I said nothing about class warfare. In fact I even stated that he stayed away from that. It isn't just class warfare that could be construed as divisive. I thought I was pretty clear on that.
BTW - the numbers batted around for various tax thresholds have been $110K, 200K, 250K and 350K. There is data out there talking about tax rates for all of those (not just income tax - taxes come in many forms) - although, maybe you were just talking payroll? His 200K plan doesn't do anything to the capital gains tax, which is how the rich pay a lower rate than you and me anyway.
If I decide to go link hunting for you, I'll post it here.
One stat from 2005 for ya. The top 1% of wager earners in the US in 2005 was ~350K. So I guess you really mean top 2-3% too. Although that is not 20-25%. It just shows how the data starts becoming skewed. If I find just one link showing any tax that has been proposed by a poiltician that might be increased for those making 100K - is that good enough for you? That is my claim. Obama didn't do more than propose his values either. > 100K is in the top 25%.
Do you care that I said that this was proposed legislation, not the rhetoric or talking points that you hear? If I come across something I'll post the link. I'm not afraid of you trying to debunk it. Just keep in mind my point has been that you and I will both have less disposable income after the next 4 years if Obama is re-elected.
Might even be a necessary evil, but hey I won't stop you from crying BS. The rhetoric sure is out there though.
So here is another question, what are the real chances that when the SS tax does not stop on dollars earned over the current maximum (90-110K depending on the year), that the amount between 110K and 250K really is exempted from paying the increase? I have heard that this donut hole will be pretty hard to get by both houses, but yet the rest of it may actually get into an economic bill.
Just think of the rhetoric surrounding just that one provision. Does this also come with an increase to the amount one can withraw when they make over 250K and start putting more in?
. . . or is that just another one of those things left up to actual legistation?