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Who should we fire first Hoke or Borges?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
I say Borges since he only does the same play over and over that never works.
Brady won't fire him though so they both have to go. I see their meetings not calling each other out but saying the players need to play better when it is the play calling that is the problem.
Well Bamf is right... play calling all game reeked of Carr way post 1997..

get use to not playing to win in late in games up only one score...
Well Bamf is right... play calling all game reeked of Carr way post 1997..

get use to not playing to win in late in games up only one score...

I always appreciate Bamf_16's take on michigan football... He's spot on...
Hoke is
11-2 with RR's kids. (using the offensive talent and teaching tackling)
8-5 with some of RR's kids losing on the road becomes a habit.
5-1 playing soft schedule and with a tad less RR's guys.
(offense and defense are just not all that great and have regressed)

That looks ok for a new guy but his team is really regression in season three in my opinion..
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Ignorance runs rampant

I guess you are ok with how we played and coached tonight?

we gave up 43 points to Terrible PSU team that only scored 24 at Indiana..

WHERE IS THE IMPROVEMENT IN YEAR 3 OF Brady.. I see a ton of regression .
but I guess we should keep hoping someday we will crush shitty teams like we
First, props to PSU for providing free wifi in the stadium. I got to see the game live then watch replays on watchespn app.

Second, not sure time to call for Hoke's firing...yet. look what happened last time.

But I have grave concerns about coaching philosophies like we saw today. Last drive in regulation, giving them the ball at their 20 with 50s left gives you, what, a 99.6 % chance of winnng? What if you throw a pass? If it's complete, 100% chance of winning b/c time runs out after taking a knee 3 times. If incomplete they get the ball with less than a minute and a half left. Chances of winning still damn good. How with a 7 point lead do you not take just one single chance to WIN the damn game?!

If this causes Hoke to grow as a coach, take some good from it. But if this is what he's going to be from here on out, well, some guys are meant to coach at Ball State and San Diego State. Too soon IMO to be thinking of firing Hoke. See what comes of this first.

You don't want me coaching UM. You wouldn't recognize the team. We'd throw on first down, play defense, and sit seniors who don't perform!
One more thing... I made a post a couple weeks ago showing how awful OL recruiting was for several ears.

Young players grow and improve.
Ultraconservative coaches must do the same.

You don't want me coaching UM. You wouldn't recognize the team. We'd throw on first down, play defense, and sit seniors who don't perform![/QUOTE]

Why exactly wouldn't we want that?...

Damn my quoting skills suck! Sorry I butchered your quote...
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We don't want anyone fired but concerns abound in year 3 of Hokes tenure because of all the regression everywhere..
If anyone does not see this they are just a blind Michigan homer.

PSU's coached coached to win. Hoke played it close the vest and really coached poorly tonight.. saw good adjustment in the 3rd.. Then they went conservative from the 9 minute mark till we lost..It was maddening to watch the debacle.
First, props to PSU for providing free wifi in the stadium. I got to see the game live then watch replays on watchespn app.

Second, not sure time to call for Hoke's firing...yet. look what happened last time.

But I have grave concerns about coaching philosophies like we saw today. Last drive in regulation, giving them the ball at their 20 with 50s left gives you, what, a 99.6 % chance of winnng? What if you throw a pass? If it's complete, 100% chance of winning b/c time runs out after taking a knee 3 times. If incomplete they get the ball with less than a minute and a half left. Chances of winning still damn good. How with a 7 point lead do you not take just one single chance to WIN the damn game?!

If this causes Hoke to grow as a coach, take some good from it. But if this is what he's going to be from here on out, well, some guys are meant to coach at Ball State and San Diego State. Too soon IMO to be thinking of firing Hoke. See what comes of this first.

You don't want me coaching UM. You wouldn't recognize the team. We'd throw on first down, play defense, and sit seniors who don't perform!

Well, if the turnover machine doesn't take a delay of game penalty on 3rd down we probably kick a FG and ice the game.
Well, if the turnover machine doesn't take a delay of game penalty on 3rd down we probably kick a FG and ice the game.

Can't a coach call a timeout from the sideline also?
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I guess you are ok with how we played and coached tonight?

we gave up 43 points to Terrible PSU team that only scored 24 at Indiana..

WHERE IS THE IMPROVEMENT IN YEAR 3 OF Brady.. I see a ton of regression .
but I guess we should keep hoping someday we will crush shitty teams like we

Jesus fucking Christ. People all fall to their knees and praise Hoke and staff all Summer long about their recruiting but once we lose our first game of the year it's time to grab the pitch forks and bury this staff? Whoooooooa the sky is falling!!!!!!! Fire everyone!!!!!! Maybe DickRod will come back from Arizona and save us!!! Fuck that. In Hoke I trust!!!
Can't recall with certainty, but wasn't it Wile who hit the 52-53 yard field goal last year against MSU?

If I'm right, why was it Gibbons kicking into the wind from 50 yards out for the win at end of regulation?
Jesus fucking Christ. People all fall to their knees and praise Hoke and staff all Summer long about their recruiting but once we lose our first game of the year it's time to grab the pitch forks and bury this staff? Whoooooooa the sky is falling!!!!!!! Fire everyone!!!!!! Maybe DickRod will come back from Arizona and save us!!! Fuck that. In Hoke I trust!!!

Not all of us drink the recruiting bull-crap ..You have to see those player make a impact and we still are waiting. If you are happy with 43 points allowed and terrible play calling more power to you but Hokes team should be playing better in year three and our 5-1 recorded this year is so lucky its not funny.. We have a QB that turns it over at will.. A defense that is poor and a offensive coordinator that is a idiot half the time. A head coach who grabs the head phones in crisis .. But hey maybe we run the table right?
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