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Who should we fire first Hoke or Borges?

OH also Gardner was the offense for both teams. The defense yesterday was put in some terrible positions with 3 short fields.
First a few things.. I am pissed but never said fire anyone. If we are having problems in all those areas as Jever says we are in deep trouble.. As mentioned by Bamf we are coaching exactly like we criticize Carr for and his offensive coordinator. We all know how bad Bo's record was in bowl games lost and were stolen by refs but we have been at this since 1997.. Great win a few Big ten titles and have some 2,3,4 5 loss seasons. Excuse me if I want my team to be in the hunt for the national title most years like some SEC teams. Hokes 5-1 record this year is so suspect its not funny. Should we really be happy about the wins verses UConn and Akron? You say Bo had those bad for years..
Eight Big ten titles. So I guess Bo can be forgiving over of the coaches for sucking in Bowl games as bad as those losses hurt.. At least his teams had a chance for national titles every year.. I Really like Carr he built a great program up to a national title in 1997 but had only one more shot at it 10 years later the day after bo died. Forgive me if I am just not patient to wait for this to trend toward Big ten titles and national titles.. what's our drought at now.. (Was it 2004 the last time we won or tied for a big ten title). Please pray forgive me if I am not pissed about that.. Gotta win a Big ten title before we can compete for a national title and both seem a long way off right now..
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This is a YOUNG team! I will say I am pissed at Borges because I believe the offense could have been more explosive as well as cutting the load we put on Gardner. But the oline is not good neither is the dline. They are both young inexperienced units. I am not part of the lynching mob since I think this team has done a good job of winning games. They may not be pretty or dominant but they are winning. Yesterday they should have won. How many field goals does Gibbons miss that were within range? I mean seriously we went to happy valley on their homecoming and should have walked out the door with the W. I can look at Borges for going to conservative and being redundant with play calls but we were still in a position to win.

Running left time after time just was beyond funny after awhile.. I mean really Al? Also not going for the win in OT after missing FG's is either on Hoke or Al. After the Gibbons kicked that was blocked they should have been thinking TD's to win.. Although all Borges had do was on Michigan's first offensive play on the first series in OT is roll Gardner to the right and he could have walked in from the 25 or a receiver would have been wide open.. Nope lets play conservative..
I agree Michigan fans overreact to EVERY loss or close game. In the last 10 years of Michigan football 2002-2012 how many 10 win seasons did we have? FOUR and one of them was with Hoke as a head coach. Let's not forget about the undefeated home record, breaking the streak against OSU, getting to a BCS/Jan 1st. bowl while actually winning, and just an overall winning record against our rivals. Yes his team has to get better on the road, and he is still getting the players in for his system, but at least while he is doing that our team is winning most games and losing a few. If you remember the complaint with RR was that yes he needs his players, but he should still be winning more now with the talent we had, and Hoke is doing that. Let me recap 1981-1984 under Bo for those of you that claim Michigan isn't used to being mediocre.

1981 - 9-3
1982 - 8-4
1983 - 9-3
1984 - 6-6

Let's not forget the bowl record of 5-12 by Bo over his career as well.

Quit acting like a 5-1 record is the end of the world the team will learn from it we will beat Indiana next week, and still have a shot at winning the Conference Championship.

The season has been frustrating. It is not just that they lost yesterday, it is how they lost. They had the game in hand several times and pissed it away. The turnovers by DG (leading all college football in this category I believe), the utter failure of the RBs, calling the same failing plays over and over, letting the clock run out at the end extending the fg that would have put the game away, the D giving up the TD with less than a minute left with PSU starting at their own 20 on three passes and a run with a freshman QB no less, failing to advance the ball during the OT putting it all on the foot of your field goal kicker, failing to capitalize not once but twice on PSU failures to score in the OT. These things have been building over this season and came to a head in this game.

The strategy for beating Michigan this year is clear. Stop the RBs, which appears to be easy, wait for the turnover (INT or Fumble), DG will get his rushing yards but keep the score close into the 4th and be the last to have the ball, and you will have a chance to win. That is the strategy for mediocre (or even bad teams). For good teams, Katy bar the door. I was expecting more this season so it has been frustrating and disappointing. But I will continue to watch the games and root (hope) for them to finally get it fixed.
OH also Gardner was the offense for both teams. The defense yesterday was put in some terrible positions with 3 short fields.

If these mistakes can't be fix ( which it looks like they can't right now) they have already wasted Morris redshirt.. I would rather develop a QB that they want to use in their system then using Gardner who does not fit Borges System. They refuse to use him like they used Robinson and they keep force feeding Gardner there way.. It really is not working well for Gardner (and the run left) as he is a mistake machine..
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Play calling has to change
Coaching the kids on skills has to step up

We are looking worse as the season goes on

These are supposedly good recruits.
What pissed me off yesterday, besides all the offensive shit, was that our defense is actually very good when the reigns are taken off. Mattison needs to let these guys play. You let teams get all the yards they want and then when they get inside the 30, you start letting the guys play? Why would you do that to pathetic teams? It makes no sense. You are telling these guys that they can't compete with their opponents owith all of this soft zone shit. Devin's mistakes def keep teams in games, no question, but this defense let PSU hang around at the end with a playing to tie mentality, combined with Borges need to not add more points.