I am actually curious - why do you think special interests will eat them alive?
They seem a lot less sophisticated than the usual, sleazy, cutthroat types that make up serious political campaigns in this country, but that's just my general opinion. the real operators signed on to back JEB!, Rubio, Cruz, or to a lesser extent some of the other passengers in the Clown Car. Trump's campaign has been seen as a joke, and accordingly, reputation conscious operators and staffers of DC have largely avoided it. note: I am aware I am making a lot of assumptions here.
once in office, these people will be outwitted by DC stalwarts and bullied into all sorts of things, if not completely ignorant of them.
this is all inline with Trump's work ethic, or lack thereof. he seems uninterested in doing much more than talking (mostly about himself). he's displayed a lack of understanding and grasp of events and topics that makes Bush '00 seem well informed by comparison. I don't expect that will change much if he gets elected.
Actually, I'm not sure why you libtards aren't all over wanting his nomination. He is more liberal on a bunch of issues than most Republicans. Plus he won't cow tow to Big Oil or Wall Street - he, so far, isn't getting any money from either of them.
He is in favor of national health care (maybe not Obamacare, but certainly national health care - single payer), and actually supported the Clinton's at one time. I doubt he is going to win anything, but building a wall, and deporting 11 Million people seems like small potatoe issues compared to the other crap he might do. Him winning the nomination will likely hand the presidency to whatever libtard actually wins the democratic nomination. Seems like a win-win for you guys.
no, no, no, it's Republitard, not libtard. it's clear - or should be to any non-retarded person - on which side of the line the retards have congregated on.
Trump has played the polls well; his complete lack of concern for GOP/Republitard orthodoxy has allowed him to stray from the party line on topics the public prefers to an extent that Cruz, Rubio, JEB!, etc are not willing or able to. so he can claim to support universal healthcare, knowing most voters support it.
but as i said, he's just playing to the polls on all this stuff, and his actual solutions aren't very liberal in the end; we'll apparently get universal healthcare and better jobs if we kick out all the Mexicans and Muslims, and beat the shit out of BLM protestors? And even if you really believe he sincerely plans to deliver on some of his more populist appeals, he's so incompetent and politically experienced, I think there's really a zero percent chance he could deliver once in office.
as far as a Trump nomination delivering the White House to the Democrats... whatever. I think we're looking at a convincing Democratic win in 2016 regardless of who it comes down to from either side.