I have yet to read any post from you stating that any given Democrat isn't a leftist, or any MSM outlet, for that matter. So apparently anyone or anything which doesn't fit whatever your narrow definition is of being conservative, apparently is non-ideological, or "independent" or leftist as well.
So its Trump's trade policies which don't make him a conservative?
Why would a conservative vote for a supposed Republican who isn't conservative in the primaries, when there were SO MANY RNC candidates?
Surely there must have been at least a few who could be considered genuine conservatives, and since Trump handily beat all of them out, that must mean that conservatives are a small minority...OR that most conservatives don't know WTF a genuine conservative is, either.
Got anything else that proves he is not your idea of being a legit conservative?
So what is he then?
Did you read my post yesterday where I told Kawdup that Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat isn't a leftist? Dave Rubin, a founding member of the Young Turks isn't a leftist - I listen to his podcasts frequently - I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but he's a reasonable liberal. Sam Harris is another nonleftist liberal I find interesting. Sadly, I'm not aware of any elected Dems who aren't either establishment slime balls (Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Wasserman-Shultz types) or leftist morons (Sanders, Warren, Booker, Gilibrand types).
Here's what I find funny about this conversation - the one thing you choose to believe Donald Trump on is his claim that he is a conservative. You criticize literally everything the guy says, but because you need to also disagree with everything I say, you argue that a guy who clearly isn't conservative, is. It's hilarious that you are the one saying someone else suffers from illusory superiority.
The rest of this post is simply nonsense. There were more conservative candidates (Ted Cruz, for example) and conservatives are a minority in the Republican party - like the DNC the RNC is dominated by the establishment, which is not particularly conservative. It's mostly made up of corporatist Republicans (McConnell, Flake, McCain, Jeb Bush types) who align more with establishment Dems than the conservative wing of the party. That's well known.
So what is he? Personally, I think he's an opportunist. A political chameleon and I think, most importantly for most R voters, not a Clinton or a Bush who thumbs his nose at the media and thrives on the negative press by calling them out for what they are and seeming to be indifferent to them.
If you want more "proof" he's not my idea of being a legit conservative other than his anti-conservative trade policies, how about the fact that I didn't vote for him in the primary or general election? That should be an indication that he doesn't fit my idea of a legit conservative. How about his position on healthcare? How about the fact that as a private citizen he never supported any conservative candidates with either endorsements or donations? How about the fact that right up until it was politically expedient he was staunchly pro choice (I don't believe for a second he's actually pro life). Trump was and still is opposed to entitlement reform. I can keep going but even you should be able to figure this out by now. Let me know if you're still not getting it.