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2024 Election

The office of the president is even more of a figurehead than even originally designed by the constitution. Any who attempt to walk outside the guardrails are assassinated.

Trump, the so-called outlier (and he really isn't one) stirs the gorge of the powers-who-shouldn't be, and he was ousted. The MIC and the Oligarchs who finance it will not allow a president to interfere with their agenda; because that person will never see the oval office again.
Cancel culture strikes again!!! Joe Biden has canceled the Recession. 2.4% growth in 2nd quarters. For perspective, in the 3 years before Covid, Trump averaged 2.47% growth during his supposed greatest economy ever. Biden is averaging 3.5% GDP growth after inheriting the smoldering hole in the ground economy Trump left America with.

A blowout is coming in 2024.
Cancel culture strikes again!!! Joe Biden has canceled the Recession. 2.4% growth in 2nd quarters. For perspective, in the 3 years before Covid, Trump averaged 2.47% growth during his supposed greatest economy ever. Biden is averaging 3.5% GDP growth after inheriting the smoldering hole in the ground economy Trump left America with.

A blowout is coming in 2024.

The office of the president is even more of a figurehead than even originally designed by the constitution. Any who attempt to walk outside the guardrails are assassinated.

Trump, the so-called outlier (and he really isn't one) stirs the gorge of the powers-who-shouldn't be, and he was ousted. The MIC and the Oligarchs who finance it will not allow a president to interfere with their agenda; because that person will never see the oval office again.

RFLMAO! No president has been more in bed with the Oligarchs than Trump was, he's an oligarh himself who ingerited $billions in real estate from his oligarch father. You really think a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who is proud he's never done a single day of work in his life, and who's been in business with every despot and tyrant on the planet for decades is the anti oligarch? Delusional.

His son in law just got $2 Billion from Middel Eatern Oligarchs, for god knows what.
RFLMAO! No president has been more in bed with the Oligarchs than Trump was, he's an oligarh himself who ingerited $billions in real estate from his oligarch father. You really think a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who is proud he's never done a single day of work in his life, and who's been in business with every despot and tyrant on the planet for decades is the anti oligarch? Delusional.

His son in law just got $2 Billion from Middel Eatern Oligarchs, for god knows what.

Who knows?


But, also, who cares?

A president being the most in bed with the oligarchs is like being the smallest jockey.
RFLMAO! No president has been more in bed with the Oligarchs than Trump was, he's an oligarh himself who ingerited $billions in real estate from his oligarch father. You really think a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who is proud he's never done a single day of work in his life, and who's been in business with every despot and tyrant on the planet for decades is the anti oligarch? Delusional.

His son in law just got $2 Billion from Middel Eatern Oligarchs, for god knows what.

Wow, you used the word delusional properly after having just learned it 5 seconds ago. Impressive.

I don't think you understood what Byco was saying, or you just ignored the point and twisted it to suit your purposes. Based on the body of evidence, I'm goin with the former.

Can you provide a source for Trump bragging he's never done a single day of work in his life? A Bing search turns up lots of results for Trump bragging about stuff but none about that.

Also, for the oligarch's oligarch, it's kind of surprising that the strictest sanctions put on Russia since the Cold War were instituted under Trump...

Remember your hero's former boss who I presume is also one of your heroes telling Putin he'd have more leeway after the election, at which point he killed the missile defense program for Ukraine?
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Happy Indictment Day Part 3!

Apparently trying to overthrow our Democacy is still against the law.

DOW on track for the longest winning streak since 1897.

Joe Biden is killing Trickle Down Economics by drowing it in a sea of middle class wage growth and jobs. Reaganomincs is dead.
Hunter's plea deal got rejected by the judge. One fly in the ointment of Biden cheerleaders today.

And it looks like all that support for Ukraine was just pissed down the drain. Imagine what we could have done with that?
DOW on track for the longest winning streak since 1897.

Joe Biden is killing Trickle Down Economics by drowing it in a sea of middle class wage growth and jobs. Reaganomincs is dead.

a Dow winning streak isn't very meaningful in the big picture.

I highly doubt wage growth has kept up with inflation.
a Dow winning streak isn't very meaningful in the big picture.

I highly doubt wage growth has kept up with inflation.

The FED's interest rate policy hurts a lot too. And it's not curbing inflation. All that happened, and now it just costs more to borrow money to pay for the jump in food prices, gas, and mortgage payments.
A lot of people willing to forget that Biden was completely beholden to credit card companies his entire career in the senate just because he's not Trump...
DOW on track for the longest winning streak since 1897.

Joe Biden is killing Trickle Down Economics by drowing it in a sea of middle class wage growth and jobs. Reaganomincs is dead.

A sea of middle class wage growth and jobs? Here are the facts...until March of this year, wage growth significantly lagged inflation for more than 2.5 years (i.e. all of Biden's term in office since he ignited the worst run of inflation since Carter).

In addition, wage growth has significantly lagged expectations and data from 2020 shows real average wage has roughly the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago - way back when Reagan was President. So 40 years of wage gains were eaten up by inflation - when updated for the last 3 years, what do you think that's going to show when wages significantly lagged inflation during that time?

And it's actually worse for the working and middle class as what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers. Middle class wages are NOT keeping pace with inflation. Food, housing and energy prices, the things that eat up most of the working and middle class wages are all up way more than the inflation number indicates, and far more than wages. If you're middle class and think you're winning, you're not paying attention.

The Conference Boards leading economic indicators are down for the 7th month in a row. 11 of 13 recession indicators are in contraction while the other 2 are flashing caution - none of them are signaling expansion. Consumer debt recently reached an ALL TIME high, greater than the level seen in '07/'08 that brought the financial system crashing down and don't look now, but delinquencies are on the rise - the middle and working class are getting crushed right now.

Also, Reagan wasn't a "trickle down economics" guy neither was the first Bush. It's a made up term used by tax and spend Democrats that can't make merit based arguments.

Also, the DOW? What are you, 80 years old? Who pays attention to an equal weighted index of 30 stocks? It's up 7.5% this year, bonds are yielding 5.5+ right now.
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A lot of people willing to forget that Biden was completely beholden to credit card companies his entire career in the senate just because he's not Trump...

delinquencies rising as consumer debt hits all time record high $16.9T, up $1.3T from last year...
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RFLMAO! No president has been more in bed with the Oligarchs than Trump was, he's an oligarh himself who ingerited $billions in real estate from his oligarch father. You really think a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who is proud he's never done a single day of work in his life, and who's been in business with every despot and tyrant on the planet for decades is the anti oligarch? Delusional.

His son in law just got $2 Billion from Middel Eatern Oligarchs, for god knows what.

Apparently, dyslexia or some similar cognitive malady has you in its grasp. Even the uber rich can have petty border disputes. As you accept the scraps from the table with gratitude. With zero recognition that the people at the table step around you like you were Lazarus himself at the rich man's gate.

Except that he knew the rich man paid him no regard.

Remember that what they want you to notice about them is because they are doing something else they don't want you to know about.
Trump's not an oligarch. He's rich. Really rich. But not an oligarch.

The oligarchs did not like him and don't want him to be president again (which in my mind is an endorsement of Trump... maybe the only one).

The oligarchs would prefer a toddering dementia case, like Biden, over LITERALLY anyone that might not operate as they want him to.
Looks like no indictment today. Patriots ready to celebrate have to wait another day. America hating Republicans can rest easy for another night.

Fulton County, GA courthouse has erected barricades too, so maybe we get a two for in blows for freedom and Democracy tomorrow.
Trump's not an oligarch. He's rich. Really rich. But not an oligarch.

The oligarchs did not like him and don't want him to be president again (which in my mind is an endorsement of Trump... maybe the only one).

The oligarchs would prefer a toddering dementia case, like Biden, over LITERALLY anyone that might not operate as they want him to.

There are literally photos of Trump in the Oval Office with different oligarchs from all over the world. Russian, Chinese, Saudi, English, and American. Hell, he probably let the Russian oligrachs take a crap all over the sheets in the Lincoln bedroom just for fun.

Trump was hand picked by rich people to weaken our Democracy, and to that end he's been very successful and great bet for them to install.
a Dow winning streak isn't very meaningful in the big picture.

I highly doubt wage growth has kept up with inflation.

Real wage growth for the 12 months ending June 2023 are +1.2%. Yes, Biden is delivering wage growth that is beating inflation now after recovering from the ecoinomic collapse of the final Trump year in office.


Love the Biden is senile tact America Hating Republicans are taking against Biden, worked great in 2020.

A reminder Joe Biden has overseen job creation of over 13 million new jobs in 30 months while Donald Trump saw over 3 million jobs lost, and even before Covid hit had pathetic job growth numbers.
There are literally photos of Trump in the Oval Office with different oligarchs from all over the world. Russian, Chinese, Saudi, English, and American. Hell, he probably let the Russian oligrachs take a crap all over the sheets in the Lincoln bedroom just for fun.

Maybe Trump is ripping a page out of the book of Don Corleone.

Trump was hand picked by rich people to weaken our Democracy, and to that end he's been very successful and great bet for them to install.

This is recklessly inaccurate. Otherwise, he'd still be president. And our "democracy" was dissolved in 1913.