I think it's more of a wing than the whole party.
lot of Democrats are elected from constituencies with a
lot of gun owners.
In the immediate aftermath of Sandy Hook, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid paid a little lip service to increase gun regulation, but at the end of the day, President Trump (and I still cringe about the way he often comports himself) President Trump has in a few day pushed forward more meaningful gun safety regulation than Obama and Reid did at that time.
I like the way this CNN (Commie News Network) commie (actually a two C commie, as her name puts it):
...they put a Democrat lawmaker on air or a former Republican lawmaker who shares their point of view to complain that Republicans will never do anything about guns. They never, these journalists, ask those lawmakers what Democrats did about gun control when they had the White House, House and Senate for two years under Barack Obama. Because the answer is NOTHING.
These journalists never say: where was Democrats' courage? Were Democrats too afraid to lose their seats, like they did in 1994, to pass another assault weapons ban?
This doesn't mean I'm conservative or Republican - I'm conservative on some things, liberal on some things and in the middle on some things. I'm not a registered member of any political party.
That said, here's the link to yet another
hot conservative chick (although she's not always that conservative).