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Are Your Wives Going with a Group of Women to See "50 Shades of Grey?"


Aug 2, 2011
At my wife's job, the plan is the ladies are all going to go as a group - although there seems to be some question as to whether tickets for the opening weekend are all sold out; however, I just got an e-mail from Fandango offering to sell tickets, so I guess we'll all see.

She asked me if I wanted to go - I don't - I expect I'll eventually see it on cable or Netflix or something - so I asked her "are any other guys gonna go?" She said "No..." so it was an easy out.

Although men across the country should probably be thankful to the studio for releasing the film over Valentine's Day weekend and giving our women something to do without us and taking the pressure off of us guys a little bit.
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The trailer looks stupid as fuck.

Her - "Derrrrr your toy room? Like where you play xbox?"

Him - a look on his face that says "are you really that fucking stupid? Oh well, free pussy, i dont give a fuck, even if you're only a 7 on my scale."
I thought she might have known what he was talking about, and was kind of playing with him, but my wife said, no, she didn't.

Are there any women in the US who haven't read those books?

I've heard them described as porn for soccer moms.
I thought she might have known what he was talking about, and was kind of playing with him, but my wife said, no, she didn't.

Are there any women in the US who haven't read those books?

I've heard them described as porn for soccer moms.

yeah, that's what I heard, "Chardonnay fueled fantasies"

I'm guessing the books are terrible pulp garbage, and from skimming some of the reviews, the movie is even worse.

no, my wife has no plans to see it, with or without friends.
My wife and daughter in law bought some two weeks ago... they are still out. Suppose ill have to make her toes curl while shes thinking of some stud from the movie. Or she Will get home take one look at me and start yelling at me for being boring romanceless fat ass that she married...
My wife and daughter in law bought some two weeks ago... they are still out. Suppose ill have to make her toes curl while shes thinking of some stud from the movie. Or she Will get home take one look at me and start yelling at me for being boring romanceless fat ass that she married...

Oh...I wouldn't worry...they're just probably out quacking like hens...

...and I predict you're in for one of the most rewarding nights/mornings of your life...

...my wife is going with all the gals from her office who read the books (which is all of them) Sunday...I can't wait 'til she gets home...

...I think women are turned on by fantasy even more than we knuckle dragging neanderthals are...JMHO....
My wife said she'd rather watch porn. She didn't make it half way through the book.
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All my wife has to do is look at my hair. Soon it will be all gray. But now it has a lot of different tints..
the movie sounds like an abomination. basically it's a way for houswives in the suburbs to jerk off but they feel classy about it somehow. from what I understand about the story based on the trailer is that there's some rich CEO type that's into S&M, but in reality I'd say that your average S&M guy looks a hell of a lot more like Bob Bashara than some good looking, young, fit, rich guy.
the movie sounds like an abomination. basically it's a way for houswives in the suburbs to jerk off but they feel classy about it somehow. from what I understand about the story based on the trailer is that there's some rich CEO type that's into S&M, but in reality I'd say that your average S&M guy looks a hell of a lot more like Bob Bashara than some good looking, young, fit, rich guy.

They should remove whatever his name Grey is and replace him with Patrick Bateman.

That might be a watchable movie.
They should remove whatever his name Grey is and replace him with Patrick Bateman.

That might be a watchable movie.

better book for sure, the movie was pretty tame
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"...these are my handcuffs, this is my riding crop, this is my blindfold, and this is my nailgun"
That was my voicemail for a while. Am I a bad person if I consider American Psycho a black comedy? Because parts of it are just fucking hilarious.

edit: i looked it up and it IS considered a black comedy. I feel better about myself now.

One of the Duke lacrosse guys quoted American Psycho in an email and it got out somehow and played a role in painting the image everyone ran with at first.
That was my voicemail for a while. Am I a bad person if I consider American Psycho a black comedy? Because parts of it are just fucking hilarious.

edit: i looked it up and it IS considered a black comedy. I feel better about myself now.

it's all satire, in the end you don't even know if he committed the murders. It's wickedly funny just like the other Ellis books