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Best Tigers Game you went to at Briggs/Tiger Stadium / Comerica Park


Aug 2, 2011
Detroit Lions
Detroit Tigers
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Boston Celtics
Today is the anniversary of the best game I went to see the Tigers play with my dad, May 18, 1959. Unfortunately it was at fenway park. Best game at Briggs Stadium was end of July 1954, it was my first Tigers game ever as a real young kid with dad also to see the/his redsox. I was going on all of 7 that game, so I wasn't as mindful of the ballgame and at bats, as I was 5 years later, by looking in amazement at the 'Greenest grass' I ever saw, the huge crowd of people, and the skinny kid in rightfield with his rocket throwing arm who to this day remains my hero and favorite player.
But this game at fenway, I was aware of everything baseball by then, and everything Tigers. It was on a Monday, and I was able to skip school. I was looking for revenge at this game because my Tigers lost the day before,on Sunday, 10 - 1. I was bullshit that "My Tigers" lost like that, I already had a dislike for the redsox. So there we were close to the field again first base side, but between first base and home plate. The Tigers had my favorite pitcher going that afternoon Jim Bunning and he didn't disappoint me either.
The Tigers crushed the redsox 14 - 2. Bunning had a career hitting day for a pitcher, with a homerun and a triple, going 4 for 4 with 5 rbi. In fact posting this at HighHeatStats a few years ago, they said going by BR play index, Bunning was the only pitcher to do that since 1916 or 1920. Kaline had a homerun double and 3 rbi, Charlie Maxwell with a homerun and 3 rbi, and 2nd baseman Frank Bolling also had a homerun.
About 15 years ago on Ebay, I found a postgame picture of the four of them with bats in hands and smiles from that game. It has been a treasured part of my Kaline and Tigers collection to this day. A kid going on 12 had his special Tigers game.
There were a couple other great games I went to; The game, early 1990's I met 'Ernie', Lou, and Trammell getting off the Tigers bus to play, the game in the early 1980's when Uncle Charlie and I talked with Sparky for 20 minutes before the game started, and the time with alot of friends from the post office in the mid 1980's and my standing near the Tigers dugout as Jack Morris walked back to the 3rd base side dugout after throwing his pregame warmup pitches with his head bowed down, I yelled to him, "Jack Morris, I don't expect anything less than a shutout tonight"!!, and with that Morris looked up while he kept walking looked right at me wearing my Tigers cap, Morris with this barely noticeable smile put his head down and kept walking towards and into the dugout. By the way, the Tigers won that game on a Jack Morris 3 - 0 shutout.

Here's the boxscore from the May 18, 1959 game.

Boxscore from Morris' shutout.

I posted this years ago back on the old Espn Tigers message board, and hope that this time as well, as many of you will add your 'favorite' Tigers game, or games you went and saw at Briggs/Tiger Stadium or Comerica Park.
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My first game at Tiger Staium...I was probably in the 3rd grade. It was a double header vs. the Blue Jays. I had never been to Detroit before. Being from the country I thought Detroit was dirty and old. I wasn't impressed. Then when I walked into the staduim I started to get a little excited....and when we walked through the little tunnel to our seats and I saw the bright green grass...all of the fans...well, I was hooked. Beautiful!

The best game was game 5 of the 1984 WS. Enough said.
The best game I attended was also my last. Haven't made it back to Comerica since my first daughter was born. June of 2006 vs. the Cardinals. Rogers started, didn't have his best stuff, and we trailed most of the game. Quadruple-A Thames tied it w/ a two-run shot in the bottom of the 9th, and Polanco drove in Grandy in the bottom of the 10th for the winning run. Final score 7-6 or something like that. Granderson went 5-5. His fourth hit to get on before Thames homer was a little squibber that Yadier Molina barked and complained that Grandy fouled it off his foot. Saw the replay after the game and Molina had a beef. But oh well, **** him...

Really hoping to catch one this summer.
I have been to several at Tigers Stadium, and Comerica and I can't say which is my favorite, but the most memorable was July 28, 1993.

It was a loss and for that reason probably not a favorite, but memorable because we all cheered Travis Fryman who had hit for the cycle, the last Tiger to do so had been Hoot Evers in 1950.

The game was also memorable because it was threatening to thunderstorm, and the New York pitcher knocked Cecil Fielder down with a brushback pitch, when Cecil got up he stared him down just as a loud thundercrack went off....causing everyone to ooh and ahh and cheer Fielder to send one deep. (he didn't :cry: )

Also Paul O'Neill hit a homerun that went right at me, like directly over my head...but about 5 rows behind, figures.
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Best game I ever went to was a Saturday afternoon game @ Tiger Stadium vs the White Sox, June 14 '80 on a first date with a luscious female co-worker who had the hots for me. We both worked @ the MCS, which was only a few blocks away from the now late ballpark. Tigers won 3-0, and we later went to a drive-in movie that night. Don't remember what we went to see, or much of the movie itself, b/c my car windows got too fogged up...

I do remember that the people in the cars next to us knew what we were up to, when I later got out of the car to go to the drive-in's concessions building, b/c they clapped and shouted @ me as I walked away...haha!!

Unfortunately our relationship did not last very long, as she was perma-laid off ~6 months later, (as was I ~2 years afterward), she soon moved out of state to TX with her sister, (as did MANY unemployed SE Michiganders back then) and we didn't keep in touch.

Edit: although I attended dozens of regular-season games @ Tiger Stadium, especially during the early-mid-70s, none of them were particularly memorable, and with the lone exception of one game, I don't recall any foul balls or homers landing nearby where I sat. The one time that a baseball did come close was when we, being my younger brother and I along with a few of our NE Detroit hood-rat teenage friends were seated in the lower-deck seats near the first-base line. Back then Tigers fans could still buy a "Vuvuzela-like" orange plastic horn to toot during the game @ one of the souvenir stands in the concourse. One of our friends bought one, and he was sitting next to me when a foul ball came right @ us. Somehow he managed to hold the horn upright and actually caught the baseball with the wide end, which was just wide enough to hold it. But unfortunately for him the added weight of the baseball was just enough for him to lose control of the horn and it tilted down and the baseball dropped right into the lap of a woman seated one row below us...lol.
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May 23, 1971 at Tiger Stadium, my oldest sister's 16th birthday. Doubleheader against the Washington Senators. My Dad had gotten seats right-field upper deck, 2nd row from the top. I was pissed. You couldn't even see Al Kaline playing RF and there was no way I was catching a ball up there! Norm Cash hit one (1 of 3) that bounced off the wall behind us, and I asked my Dad if we could move (for safety reasons)!

DET won both games 5-0 and 11-0. Lolich had the shutout in the first game (time 1:55) against ex-Tiger Denny McLain. Al Kaline and Norm Cash went yard in the first game. Les Cain started the 2nd game (2:26) with 3 innings from Joe Niekro.

Cash had 2 HRs in the 2nd game (3 for the day), along with Willie Horton and Dalton Jones.


I dont remember it that well (and im not 100% sure it was this day, but im pretty sure it was), but my favorite game was Sept 25, 1999 because it was the third to last game played at Tiger Stadium. Its also the only game at Tiger Stadium I actually remember going to (I went to more, I was just too young to remember well).

There are games at CoPa i remember much better and had a lot of fun at, but nothing will beat that game at Tiger Stadium unless I can go to a playoff game sometime. Im a little jealous of my mom, she worked for Tom Monaghan back in the 80s and had a box seat for an ALCS game and regular tickets for a WS game in '84.
I saw the Tigers clinch the Eastern Division Championship in '87.

I graduated from Michigan the spring before the '84 World Series. I had sung in the Glee Club at Michigan, and that fall, I recieved a call from the club president.

The club had been selected to sing the national anthem in game 5 at Tiger Stadium against the Padres (the series winner as it turned out, as I'm sure everybody remembers) and some of the new members of the club had yet to recieve their club wind breakers, which was to be the garb for the performance; and the club president was chasing down former members to borrow their windbreakers for the new guys.

So while I did not attend the greatest game at Tiger Stadium in all of our lifetimes, my Michigan Mens' Glee Club windbreaker proudly did.
Mid-late 60's(?), a local guy converted his truck/trailer into something that was suppose to look like a train. Took a group of us kids to Tiger Stadium(first time there). Been a long time but I do remember the Tigers beat the hell out of someone, even Don Wert hit a home-run(at least one).

Only game my Dad took us to was early-mid 70's, think it was Frank Howard who hit a walk-off HR.

Best game ever attended, 1986 ALCS game 5, Angels/Red Sox....a true classic!
Today is the anniversary of the best game I went to see the Tigers play with my dad, May 18, 1959. Unfortunately it was at fenway park. Best game at Briggs Stadium was end of July 1954, it was my first Tigers game ever as a real young kid with dad also to see the/his redsox. I was going on all of 7 that game, so I wasn't as mindful of the ballgame and atbats, as I was, by looking in amazement at the 'Greenest grass' I ever saw, the huge crowd of people, and the skinny kid in rightfield with his rocket throwing arm who to this day remains my hero and favorite player.
But this game at fenway, I was aware of everything baseball by then, and everything Tigers. It was on a Monday, and I was able to skip school. I was looking for revenge at this game because my Tigers lost the day before,on Sunday, 10 - 1. I was bullshit that "My Tigers" lost like that, I already had a dislike for the redsox. So there we were close to the field again first base side, but between first base and home plate. The Tigers had my favorite pitcher going that afternoon Jim Bunning and he didn't disappoint me either.
The Tigers crushed the redsox 14 - 2. Bunning had a career hitting day for a pitcher, with a homerun and a triple, going 4 for 4 with 5 rbi. In fact posting this at HighHeatStats iirc last year, they said going by play index, Bunning was the only pitcher to do that since 1916 or 1920. Kaline had a homerun double and 3 rbi, Charlie Maxwell with a homerun and 3 rbi, and 2nd baseman Frank Bolling also had a homerun.
About 10 years ago on Ebay, I found a postgame picture of the four of them with bats in hands and smiles from that game. It has been a treasured part of my Kaline and Tigers collection to this day. A kid going on 12 had his special Tigers game.
There were a couple other great games I went to; The game, early 1990's I met 'Ernie', Lou, and Trammell getting off the Tigers bus to play, the game in the early 1980's when Uncle Charlie and I talked with Sparky before the game started, and the time with alot of friends from the post office in the mid 1980's and my standing near the Tigers dugout as Jack Morris walked back to the 3rd base side dugout after throwing his pregame warmup pitches with his head bowed down, I yelled to him, "Jack Morris, I don't expect anything less than a shutout tonight"!!, and with that Morris looked up while he kept walking looked right at me wearing my Tigers cap with this barely noticeable smile put his head down and kept walking towards and into the dugout. By the way, the Tigers won that game on a Jack Morris 3 - 0 shutout.

Here's the boxscore from the May 18, 1959 game.

Boxscore from Morris' shutout.

I posted this years ago back on the old Espn Tigers message board, and hope that this time as well, as many of you will add your 'favorite' Tigers game, or games you went and saw at Briggs/Tiger Stadium or Comerica Park.
bring back Bunning to DH.
June 24, 1984

I went to the games with my uncles and cousins. I was 10 years old. My two favorite Tigers had great games. Jack Morris pitched 6 scoreless. Lance Parrish hit a home run. But the most memorable part of that game was Rupert Jones hitting it over the roof in right. The sad part was that I never saw the ball from the time it left the bat. Still was a great time watching the Tigers win with my family.
Thanks to everyone who posted their favorite Tigers game here.
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August 29th, 1992 vs Kansas City @ Tiger Stadium.

The last game I got to see with my grandpa. First 5,000 fans received a Tigers duffle bag (still have it).

The Tigers won 12-1. The 3 main things I remember were 1.) Cecil Fielder hit a BOMB down the left field line.

2.) Sweet Lou went 3 for 3 with a HR, proving he still had it late in his career.

3.) Gary Pettis hit his only HR of the year in what would be his final season.
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My 3 favorite plays that I witnessed at Tiger stadium
1995: Late season and Gibson launched one onto the roof. I was just a kid so didnt really understand at the time what I was watching but this was one of his last games in a Tigers uni and I believe his last HR in Tiger stadium. But when he walked to the plate people started standing and it was like he was moving in slow motion. Then when it finally landed on the roof people went crazy and there were people trying to climb up the polls in the upper deck trying to get the ball. I remember my dad telling me that I just saw the swan song of a baseball legend.

2. Higgy who was my favorite player at the time in the late 90's launched one to left center when we were playing the mariners. Of course Griffey Jr. made the most amazing defensive play by sprinting and robbing the homerun. Both pissed off and impressed beyond belief. Also saw Higginson once use his cannon to gun a runner at home. Crazy awesome.

3. Fielder put one over the roof that landed in the parking lot or is still in orbit not sure. But it was a walk off I believe or a late game go ahead hr.

My godmothers dad who was probably 70 when I was born was the team optometrist for probably 30 years. He had season tickets 3 rows back from homeplate and I spent a ton of time at that park as a kid. To this day I have been to many ball parks and have never gotten the same feeling as when you walk into Tiger stadium. I miss that place
Sadly, I did not get to see many games at Tiger Stadium due to us relocating so early in my life. I did catch a few during our summer vacations which were spent visiting family back in Michigan. I guess the most memorable one I have of those few would have been when I went with my grandfather's best friend who owned the ice cream shop in Dowagiac. We left very early in the morning as Bob wanted to show me Michigan Stadium on the way. After stopping in Ann Arbor we made our way towards Motown. Now like I said we left early and as we got closer to Detroit, no lie, we were passed by Cecil in a black Mercedes. I'm assuming he was running late for BP. Do not remember who we played, I do remember the air raid sirens that they played back then after Tiger homers sounding frequently. Tony Phillips, Cecil, Tettleton, and Deer all had homers if I recall correctly. Bob died a year or two later and it was the last time I saw him, so I've always remembered that day.

Now the Tigers game I remember the most is one that I did not attend. When I was in high school I had received permission from Pops to skip school and catch the Tigs down at Camden for an afternooner. My favorite player of all time is Sweet Lou and this so happened to be the last chance I would have to see him before retirement. A weekend or two before the midweek game I had a party at the house while the 'rents were out of town. I ended getting busted and Pops no longer let me skip. I got home from school in time to catch the last few innings since we get some Oriole games out this way only to find out that he was a triple shy of the cycle. I was pissed at the old man, and those feelings have subsided, but obviously I haven't forgotten...
Sadly, I did not get to see many games at Tiger Stadium due to us relocating so early in my life. I did catch a few during our summer vacations which were spent visiting family back in Michigan. I guess the most memorable one I have of those few would have been when I went with my grandfather's best friend who owned the ice cream shop in Dowagiac. We left very early in the morning as Bob wanted to show me Michigan Stadium on the way. After stopping in Ann Arbor we made our way towards Motown. Now like I said we left early and as we got closer to Detroit, no lie, we were passed by Cecil in a black Mercedes. I'm assuming he was running late for BP. Do not remember who we played, I do remember the air raid sirens that they played back then after Tiger homers sounding frequently. Tony Phillips, Cecil, Tettleton, and Deer all had homers if I recall correctly. Bob died a year or two later and it was the last time I saw him, so I've always remembered that day.

Now the Tigers game I remember the most is one that I did not attend. When I was in high school I had received permission from Pops to skip school and catch the Tigs down at Camden for an afternooner. My favorite player of all time is Sweet Lou and this so happened to be the last chance I would have to see him before retirement. A weekend or two before the midweek game I had a party at the house while the 'rents were out of town. I ended getting busted and Pops no longer let me skip. I got home from school in time to catch the last few innings since we get some Oriole games out this way only to find out that he was a triple shy of the cycle. I was pissed at the old man, and those feelings have subsided, but obviously I haven't forgotten...

I saw a game a few years back when the Tigers played the O's at camden. I really like that park it has that old school feel. I got to see Verlander, Zumaya, and Rodney all pitch in a win where Raburn hit two homers I think or maybe Kelly. But the fans there grumbling everytime our pitchers hit triple digits since at that time most of our pen could come close and verlander obviously can.
I've been to some good ones. Fielder hitting one on the roof, the JV one hitter versus the Pirates, a 21(?) run blow out win. Hard to pick a favorite game, but easy to pick some great memories out of the bunch.
I saw a game a few years back when the Tigers played the O's at camden. I really like that park it has that old school feel. I got to see Verlander, Zumaya, and Rodney all pitch in a win where Raburn hit two homers I think or maybe Kelly. But the fans there grumbling everytime our pitchers hit triple digits since at that time most of our pen could come close and verlander obviously can.

Camden is a beautiful park, much better than the old Memorial Stadium, although I have fond memories of that park as it was where I saw my first Tigers game. Hopefully you had some Natty Boh while watching the game...
Camden is a beautiful park, much better than the old Memorial Stadium, although I have fond memories of that park as it was where I saw my first Tigers game. Hopefully you had some Natty Boh while watching the game...

Of course man you have to. Also Camden has some good beer vendors where you can get some of the local microbrews for around 5 dollars. Compared to the new Nats park where all the beers are over 10.
I had a quick minute so I thought I would post some of my most memorable.

Second game ever at Tiger Stadium was bat day in 1968. AL Kaline hit a homer, and if I am remembering correctly the Tigers won 7-0 - all 7 coming on homers. I had that bat until I was 35 years old. It finally fell apart from over use.

Then came a game when we lived in Gaylord. My dad had to come down to Detroit on business, and by some miracle luck, decided to get some random tickets for a game a few weeks earlier. It turned out to be a day in which Mark "the bird" Fidrych pitched one of his patented fabulous gems. Talk about the stadium gone wild. I think the Tigers won 2-1 - but all I really remember (other than Fidrych) is I had never heard a louder stadium - it was electric.

Of course, I couldn't mention my favorite games without mentioning the World Series in 1984. For game 4, I sat in partially obstructed seats, but I sure as heck didn't care. It was the only World Series game I have ever been to. Alan Trammel hit two home-runs to account for all the Tiger scoring. Morris pitched a complete game. Tigers won 4-2 to go up 3-1. Wow, what a great memory - I came home with no voice, and an Alan Trammell jersey.

I realize you didn't ask about the Lions, but they used to play at Tiger Stadium too, does that count? One of my best Lion's memories was a game against the Los Angeles Rams on a cold December day in 1969. The Lions won 28-0 - and that was when the Rams were real damn good. Bill Munson was the QB, and Errol Mann scored 14 of Detroit's points. Tied for the highest points scored for or against that year. Still think about that game from time to time as the years of futility continue to mount up for them. :*)