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Big Lebowski


Aug 6, 2011
I forgot how much I liked this movie and just watched some of it again last night flipping trough the channels.. Always great to catch the movie before the Jesus scenes..
'You don't mess with the Jesus'..

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Decent movie, very quotable. But I always though it was a little overrated by the people who are "Lebowski" fanatics.
Yes a tad over the top with a few really great scenes..... This being one of them... I laughed..good enough for me...lol
Decent movie, very quotable. But I always though it was a little overrated by the people who are "Lebowski" fanatics.

Thumb, my friend...

one of my favorite movies ever. I actually saw it in the theatre when it came out... I don't think I've ever met another person that can say that.

I have a funny story about this movie: I remember the previews for this movie and didn't give it much thought. the trailer made it out to be some sort of action flick.

This was winter/spring of '97-'98 I think and Grandpa MichiganChamp was spending a lot of time around our house on account of his becoming a widower the prior spring.

Now Grandpa MichiganChamp is a proud 2nd generation Polish-American, and could not resist going to see a movie with a title like "The Big Lebowski" for that reason, so he basically ordered my brother and I into the car to head out to an afternoon matinee showing on a snowy early spring Michigan Saturday.

As the movie wore on my brother and I became more and more convinced that this might be one of the most absurd and therefore totally amazing movies we had ever seen. Seemed to take the entire idea of a Hollywood movie plot and flip it on its head. We walked out of there ready to spread the gospel of Lebowski.

Grandpa MichiganChamp was not as enthused... being a more conservative American, he walked out flabbergasted. "What the hell was that even about? The guy was a BUM! He didn't even do anything!"

I told all my friends to see it, but everyone was like "MEH." Then a couple years later, when I was a college sophomore, it started to get huge. I had a friend call me up and tell me he finally saw it, and that I was right... greatest movie of all time. By the end of the year 2000, idiots were quoting it (poorly) at parties all the time.
Decent movie, very quotable. But I always though it was a little overrated by the people who are "Lebowski" fanatics.

Fanatics of something over rate that which they are fanatics of?

I'm going to have to ponder on this one a bit.
I saw it in the theater when I was living in Boulder after undergrad and really like the movie. A few years ago one of the neighbors on the block tagged everyone's recycle bins with bumper stickers showing diff Quotes from Big Lebowski. Ours is, "Mark it 8, Dude."

Great description in thread of movie - it is quotable, funny, overhyped by some, a bit much ...clever, quick, over the top.

I think my favorite quote, or one I've said over the years is, "Hey, careful man, there's a beverage here!"
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I saw it in the theater when I was living in Boulder after undergrad and really like the movie. A few years ago one of the neighbors on the block tagged everyone's recycle bins with bumper stickers showing diff Quotes from Big Lebowski. Ours is, "Mark it 8, Dude."

Great description in thread of movie - it is quotable, funny, overhyped by some, a bit much ...clever, quick, over the top.

I think my favorite quote, or one I've said over the years is, "Hey, careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Ok so you are the only other person I met who saw it in the theatre during its first run. I think it barely made money... I remember something like $18 mil gross receipts on a budget of $17 mil
Ok so you are the only other person I met who saw it in the theatre during its first run. I think it barely made money... I remember something like $18 mil gross receipts on a budget of $17 mil

I saw it in theater too. I did not like it. Fell asleep.

I love it now.
The first time I rented it (VHS) I got bored about the time he was arguing with the old man about his pissed on rug. It really seemed to be going nowhere, so I never watched the rest, and just returned to the rental place.

Then a few years later people (mostly on the internet) started yapping about how it was the greatest movie yadda yadda yadda....So I re-rented and watched, and saw how amusing it might if you were sitting around with your friends passing the bong.

Also I'm somewhat turned off on the character "The Dude" because he constantly drinks caucasians (white russians) which I consider to be right up there with Seabreeze and Shirley Temples in terms feminine beverages.

Okay...bring on the hate.
Haven't watched it but from the video clip Bob posted I never will.