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blount says he'll run right through suh

I am 22...Therefor it's culturally acceptable. BTW that isn't a gif. It is however acceptable based on the discussion. Go buy yourself a hooker and get laid for the first time in 10 years.
I'm 38 and act 18. Is that acceptable? Wait, don't any body answer that question because i really don't give a fuck what your answer is.
</td><td valign="top">
<html><head><title>Banner</title><style>html, body {margin:0;padding:0;}</style></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ads = new Array("300x250-1.png","300x250-2.png","300x250-3.png");
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*ads.length);
if(Math.floor(Math.random()*2) == 0)
if(Math.floor(Math.random()*2) == 0)



[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]
</td><td valign="top">
<html><head><title>Banner</title><style>html, body {margin:0;padding:0;}</style></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ads = new Array("300x250-1.png","300x250-2.png","300x250-3.png");
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*ads.length);
if(Math.floor(Math.random()*2) == 0)
if(Math.floor(Math.random()*2) == 0)




And after all we've been through? Seriously, i'm hurt. No, maybe i'm scarred for life? Wait, no, i'm angry? Frusturated? Bent?

No, i just don't care.....maybe a little. :'(
I'll make it up to you.. Because I know you will love this.

[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]I'll make it up to you.. Because I know you will love this.


Gotta love Bob and Doug!!
Fuck it.. While we're on the subject haha [flash=350,287:m54fmcxt]http://www.youtube.com/v/evCj25UtfLM&hl=en&fs=1[/flash:m54fmcxt]
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]I am 22...Therefor it's culturally acceptable. BTW that isn't a gif. It is however acceptable based on the discussion. Go buy yourself a hooker and get laid for the first time in 10 years.

is your mom still in the buisness , and does she accept Arby's coupons still ?

if so , send the pig over.
SLICK said:
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]I am 22...Therefor it's culturally acceptable. BTW that isn't a gif. It is however acceptable based on the discussion. Go buy yourself a hooker and get laid for the first time in 10 years.

is your mom still in the buisness , and does she accept Arby's coupons still ?

if so , send the pig over.

saw this coming, never fails
tsmith7559 said:
SLICK said:
is your mom still in the buisness , and does she accept Arby's coupons still ?

if so , send the pig over.

saw this coming, never fails

he's 22 , I thought the mom insult was age appropriate..lol
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]If it came from a child..

it did...my 13 year old son has been posting for the last little bit.

seriously though...would your mom take his virginity ? for a 2 fer Arbys coupon.