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Brandon increased marijuna/drug testing frequency and penalties

He had them wrapped tight and they weren't moldy and I wasn't sick. He multiplied the oil to high concentrated levels from his original recipe. You weren't just catching a buzz off of one square. You were getting hammered. Now I smoked a lot of pot when I was younger, but nothing had ever affected me as this stuff had. It was more of an hallucination trip.

Things to make a dad proud >:D
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Ahhh ... Hash Bash! When 30,000 people not from Ann Arbor come to Ann Arbor to smoke weed on the Diag!
I went my freshman year, didn't stay long, and never went back.

SKETCHY crowd.

smelled bad too.

The only time it was fun was in 1995 when my buddies came to A2 for a bit during the day and then we went to Plant & Page at the Palace that night. Otherwise I did the same during Freshman year ...just went and checked it out just to check it out.

Sort of like going out to the bar on St Patrick's Day ...amateur hour.
Why would they promote athletes to use alcohol over marijuana??- marijuana is a far safter drug. We should encourage people to make a safer choice, that of marijuana.
Why would they promote athletes to use alcohol over marijuana??- marijuana is a far safter drug. We should encourage people to make a safer choice, that of marijuana.

They aren't. I haven't heard a single person say that the athletes should drink alcohol instead. THey are only saying that they will be penalized if they get caught smoking marijuana or if they get caught with it in their system.