The President of the United States, and his enablers, seems to have forgotten how he gleefully provided Bill Clinton's accusers a very public platform during the election... He didn't seem to have much trouble believing them then. What's changed? Nah, sorry. Trump threw that argument out the window when he paraded those 4 women out on live TV to accuse Slick Willy, just 90 minutes before a debate with Hillary and just 1-2 days after his 'grab her by the pussy' comments. You don't get to play it both ways.
If you're so certain that the Kavanaugh accuser is just a partisan shill, what's the harm in investigating and clearing his name? Dragged their feet for a year with Garland but now it's imperative we shove Kavanaugh through before mid terms. Like I said, they're scummy politicians. The whole thing is bullshit.
Sexual assault or misconduct shouldn't be something that is swept under the rug because some time passed by. We don't do it with theft or murder, why the exception? According to the Department of Justice , 2 out of 3 rapes don't even get reported. If your inclination is to roll your eyes, do mental gymnastics, or spin your tires concerning allegations of rape, that says a lot about you as a person in my opinion. Could a woman/man lie about being sexually assaulted? Sure can. But you could say that about every crime. Again, why do we treat this differently?