Do you have a link to that Biden video Cruz is talking about? I don't believe I've seen it yet. I would like to see a nice dagger to his campaign.
Also, that reporter is really, really fucking bad at his job. I'm glad Cruz made him look like the partisan douche he is. I hate reporters that interrupt. Fuck that guy.
This video doesn't even come close to telling the whole story. Read the transcript from Monday's Senate hearing. It talks about how Hunter started an investment firm with a Heinz kid (John Kerry's stepson) and one of his or Heinz's college roommates, Devon Archer (convicted a fraud in a scheme to rip off a Native American tribe). Shortly after they partnered, Hunter took the Burisma board position without any experience in oil and gas or the energy sector in general, a month before that the UK opened a corruption investigation into Burisma.
Hunter was warned about it but took the job anyway. Heinz was so worried about the relationship, he withdrew from the partnership, and sent a letter to the State Department, making them aware of the relationship and making it clear the Burisma never paid any money to their partnership, just to Hunter. He didn't just tell his step dad and ask for advice, he got it on the record that he had nothing to do with Hunter's dealings with Burisma. A few months later, Biden threatens to withhold aid to Ukraine fi they don't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. The Obama administration knew about Hunter, knew about the UK investigation and knew about Burisma's reputation for being among the most corrupt companies in a country where corruption was basically par for the course in business.
Also, while all of this was going on, Joe to Hunter with him on a trip to China during which he met with Bank of China official on behalf of Rosemont Capital. A month later, Rosemont Capital beat out a long list of private equity and investment banking heavy weights for $1.5B investment from the Bank of China for Rosemont to invest in and grow businesses in China.
All the while, Joe claims to have never spoken to his kid about any of his foreign business dealings. Of course, that's good enough for mainstream American media, as evidenced by Chuck Todd about a month ago opening a question to the former VP with "We know you've done nothing wrong with respect to Ukraine and your sons business interests..."
The idea that Trump is the dangerous one we need to worry about here is beyond absurd.