Tigers 7 - Astros 3: Bullpen, Don Kelly come through in 14-inning marathon.
from bybtb
BYB website: Mostly one big circle jerk...while being led by one, IMO.
After lurking on their game thread for most of it last night, and a few times during Tigers games over the past week, I can see now why many members of the Motown Sports (Tigers) dislike it. Kissing up to the sole or maybe a couple of mods/operators (whatever their title(s) is/are) on that site isn't my cuppa tea. Members cannot readily post their own thread topics, but instead they are limited to creating "fan" posts that may or may not be displayed and permitted to be replied to or commented on, and likely only after their content has first been reviewed.
One of the operators of the site, which is part and parcel of the "SB Nation's" national affiliation, is apparently on the verge of becoming a doctor. Now whether that means that he is going to be an MD/DO in the medical field, or is to instead receive some other form of a university/college post-grad doctorate degree is unclear. But what is clear is that he has made it known that he is, so that can only serve to elevate his already esteemed and highly respected status on the site...this despite it having absolutely nothing to do with his being so much smarter or any more knowledgeable regarding baseball in general, or the Tigers ballclub, the team itself, and/or their players.
If posting in the game threads, there are always plenty of members who are ready, willing and waiting to pounce upon the slightest typo, statistical error, or "disputable" opinion made by others, they most eagerly will do so with great relish and often with some reinforcements or back-up support. The only means to avoid being targeted and probably gang-flamed is to never post or reply with anything truly negative or controversial about the Tigers or their individual players, except the latter when a certain player or players is/are being trashed by the mod and/or by the more well-known, recognized and popular members, most who very frequently receive "recs" which is the site's version of "likes"...who btw should not be criticized or challenged, unless you feel that you are quite capable of fending off their virtual buddies who often will swoop in to assist in their defense.
In a way it makes me quite glad that I am not tied down and obligated to remain "working" an unpaid "supervisory" or "baby-sitting" side job that sucks up a large amount of my time, and would make it that much more difficult to spend quality time with my family...if I had one, that