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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

December 11 in Tigers and mlb history:

1884 - The American Association votes to keep its ban on overhand pitching and to continue to allow fouls caught on one bounce to count as outs. It does abolish the tradition of team captains flipping for the honor of batting first. Now the home team will automatically bat first.

1900 - A rumor that the Players Protective Association leaders have gone to Philadelphia to meet with Ban Johnson causes National League owners to "have something closely resembling a fit," says the New York Times. Players later admit the meeting took place.

1928: At the National League meeting, President John Heydler proposes the designated hitter for pitchers to improve and speed up the game. He contends fans are tired of seeing weak-hitting pitchers come to bat. Heydler refers to his idea as "the tenth regular."

1930 - The BBWAA votes to continue the custom of selecting an MVP for each league. Beginning in 1931 the annual vote of the BBWAA will designate a player for this honor in each league. Previous MVP winners will be able to repeat under the new rules, something that was prohibited by the American League in the 1920s.

1934: The National League votes to permit night baseball, authorizing a maximum of seven games by any team installing lights. The American League will not grant permission for night games until 1937.

1934: The 1935 All-Star Game is assigned to Cleveland. Frank Frisch and Mickey Cochrane, rival managers in the St. Louis-Detroit World Series, will manage their respective league's teams.

1940 - The Major Leagues extend commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis to another 4-year term. They also vote to limit night games to seven per team.

1950 - At the winter meetings, held in St. Petersburg, FL, Major League owners vote 9-7 against renewing Commissioner Happy Chandler's contract for a new term, starting in 1951. The Cardinals' Fred Saigh led the opposition to Chandler, who had jeopardized the reserve clause and ordered investigations of the alleged gambling activities of several owners.

1956: A major league player association is established with Bob Feller as president.
1956: The Major Leagues vote at a joint meeting to reduce player limits to 28 by Opening Day.

1957 - The Phillies purchase veteran OF Dave Philley from Detroit.
1957 - U.S. Congressman Emanuel Celler and Senator Kenneth Keating, both of New York, hint that there might be antitrust action against Major League Baseball if it televizes games as planned, because it jeopardizes the minor leagues.

1969 - A Federal Court in New York City rules against the suit of umpires Bill Valentine and Al Salerno because baseball is exempt from antitrust laws.

1974 - Two baseball greats whose careers ended tragically, Roy Campanella and the late Roberto Clemente, each of whom already occupies baseball's Hall of Fame, are named today with twelve others to the Black Athlete's Hall of Fame. The formal induction ceremony will come on March 13th of next year.

1992 - In free agent signings today, the Tigers sign P Bill Krueger to a 2-year contract.

2000: The Tigers obtain P Chris Holt, OF Roger Cedeno, and C Mitch Meluskey from the Astros for C Brad Ausmus and pitchers Doug Brocail and Nelson Cruz. Houston catchers threw out 22% of base stealers in 2000, while Ausmus gunned down 42%.

2001 - Tigers trade Juan Encarnacion and Luis Pineda to the #Reds for Dmitri Young.

Tigers players birthdays:

Erwin Renfer 1913.

Slick Coffman 1937-1939.

Bob Sykes 1977-1978.

Mike Henneman 1987-1995.

from baseball reference
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