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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

First 1,750 career games

Hank Aaron .320/.377/.567
840 XBH (387 HR) & 1,271 RBI

Miguel Cabrera .320/.397/.566
840 XBH (379 HR) & 1,335 RBI
As posted in a separate thread;
Drew VerHagen, not Robbie Ray, expected to get Tigers' spot start Saturday.

Triple-A Toledo's Drew VerHagen to get called up by Detroit Tigers for doubleheader Saturday.

The Tigers are allowed to carry a 26th man for the doubleheader, so they will not need to make a corresponding move to place him on the roster. VerHagen, 23, is expected to return to Triple-A Toledo after the game.

VerHagen set to start for Tigers on Saturday.
from JasonBeck'sTigersBlog
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