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So far, the AL MVP race doesn't seem like too much of a race at all. Mike Trout is -- arguably for the third consecutive season -- the best player in baseball. But he won't win the award without at least something of a fight in the media. Someone in the AL will show up to allow some voters not to vote for Trout -- mostly likely whoever leads the league in home runs, so Nelson Cruz or Edwin Encarnacion (if healthy) are decent spoiler picks. A hot second half by reigning MVP Miguel Cabrera could bring him back into the conversation. But generally, for a guy to win an award like this consecutive times, he has to perform better in each consecutive season -- and that's going to be tough for Cabrera, who finished last season with a 1.078 OPS and only has an .898 OPS at the break. Of course, the best thing Trout has going for him this year (as compared to seasons past) is that the Angels are a good baseball team in 2014. That should keep up in the second half. We'll see.
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