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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

July 18 in Tigers and mlb history:

1906: Ty Cobb, suffering from stomach cramps, leaves the Tigers and returns to Detroit. He will undergo an operation for ulcers, and be out of the lineup until September.

1927 - The greatest of the Detroit Tigers now with the Philadelphia A's, Ty Cobb makes his 4,000th hit ironically a double off Sam Gibson of Detroit. Detroit wins 5 - 3 over Lefty Grove.

1947: Freddie Hutchinson of the Tigers shuts out the Yankees 8 - 0, stopping their winning streak at 19.

1959 - The Tigers drop game one to the Orioles 5 - 2, their 13th loss in 15 games, then win the nitecap 2 - 0, despite getting just two hits off Hoyt Wilhelm. Hoyt allows two singles, but his knuckler proves elusive to Joe Ginsberg, who allows four passed balls to tie the American League record held by Gus Triandos and two others. O's catchers Ginsberg and Triandos will set the modern major-league record for passed balls this season with 49.

1961: A day after the Georgia Peach passed away, at Busch Stadium Bill White ties Ty Cobb's 49-year old record by collecting 14 hits in consecutive doubleheaders as the Cardinal first baseman goes 3 for 4 in both games of a doubleheader sweep over the Cubs. Yesterday, the future National League president had gone 8 for 10 in twin bill action also against Chicago.

1990: Arbitrator George Nicolau rules in favor of the Players Association saying that the 26 major league owners colluded and were aware of a databank that detailed 1987 salary offers. The owners will be forced to pay significant damages to the affected players.

1994: The Major League Baseball Players Association rejects the owners' salary cap proposal as baseball moves a step closer to a strike.

1997 - The Mariners, seeking pitching help, trade Scott Sanders (3-6) and two minor leaguers (pitcher Dean Crow and 3B Carlos Villalobos) to the Detroit Tigers for right-handers Omar Olivares (5-6) and Felipe Lira (5-7).

2000: The Tigers purchase veteran 1B Hal Morris from the Reds.

2001: In response to the grievance filed by the umpires earlier in the week, the commissioner's office announces pitch counts will not be used as an evaluation technique.

2001: Players notify stadium security when a fan, reaching for a foul ball, drops and then retrieves a gun on the field at Comerica Park. It turns out to be a Glock pistol belonging to an embarrassed off-duty three-year veteran of the Detroit Police Department, who had his weapon fall out of its holster as he went for the ball.

Tigers players birthdays:

Simon Nicholls 1903.

Harry Spilman 1986.

Torii Hunter 2013-present.

Eugenio Suarez 1914-present.

Tigers players who passed away:

Ed Killian 1904-1910.

from baseball reference
Detroit Tigers having 'ongoing talks' regarding reliever Joakim Soria, not pursuing Huston Street.

Detroit Tigers zeroing in on Joakim Soria, Joaquin Benoit.

Detroit Tigers-Texas Rangers in discussions for Joakim Soria.
from mcbtb
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