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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

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It seemed like the spending couldn't continue. With roughly $110 million already tied to five players and multiple offseason holes to fill, it looked like the Detroit Tigers would be forced toward cheaper options on the free agent market with the hope to compete in 2016 based off its core.

Well, guess what? Mike Ilitch wants that ring, and he is going to pay whatever the hell it takes to get it. Ilitch came out firing on Monday in a remarkably candid press conference and let the whole world know that the Tigers will compete, price and luxury tax be damned.
I highly recommend you read Brandon's write up but I'll highlight two quotes from the above video (kindly transcribed by HookSlide). The first:

"It's been close right along, we've had good teams ... last year was a goofy year ... where did they come up with that garbage? But we've been close every year, four or five years we won the pennant ... as I mentioned, going to the World Series two times, you get frustrated and I get a little upset too, and I'm saying, 'Al, get out there, get me more!'"

And so Al did. No other GM (outside of friend of the site Dave Dombrowski) has been as aggressive as Al Avila. The team has already added a player in all three areas of need and most certainly are not finished. With this stark directive, look for Avila to stay assertive. The second money quote:

"We're doing everything we can to get as many good ball players ..."
(no matter what the cost, it doesn't matter?)
"No, I mean, it might sound silly, but it's true, but I think I've proved that over the years. I've never reneged on going and signing a big player."

Ilitch is not lying. From dropping big money contracts for franchise cornerstones to making free agent splashes, he has never shied from the big contract. Under his leadership the Tigers have gone from an under spending doormat to a top five payroll powerhouse. On Monday, he reaffirmed his belief in spending big.

The two quotes coupled with the entire tenor of the conference should leave Tigers fans elated. This renewed commitment provides clarity to the team's direction and means that virtually no one is off the table. It's very likely that another starter and more bullpen help will be on the way. And, remember that Alex Gordon guy who everyone loves but seemed too expensive? Maybe not!

So thank you Mr. Ilitch, for guaranteeing a reload instead of a rebuild. And please, appreciate it people. The Tigers may never have another owner with such a dedication to winning. Go grab a hot and ready and support the cause.

Bless You Boys Tigers Blog Podcast: The Voice of the Turtle, Episode 16: Everything we say is wrong. 1 Hour and 50 minutes.

Topics in this week's episode include:
Nope, nothing happened last week. Not at all.
Dan Dickerson likes Jordan Zimmermann, and you should too.
What do we make of the Tigers starting rotation?
The Winter Meetings are coming! The Winter Meetings are coming!
Does Al Alburquerque have a place in next year's bullpen?
Alex Avila is now the enemy.
Johnny Cueto doesn't like the desert.
How many 'n's are on this thing?
Listener questions!
Mike Ilitch says YOLO to the luxury tax.
Who is really at fault for the Tigers' problems?

3:27 - Rounding the Bases: We got 99 problems, but the pitcher ain't one.
22:22 - Warming in the Pen: is this the storm before the even bigger storm?
41:15 - High and Tight: you won't have Alex Avila to kick around any more.
56:13 - Into the Mob Scene: just how saber-savvy is Al Avila?
1:23:24 - 7th Inning Kvetch: this team is owned by a mad-man ... maybe.
December 3 in Tigers and mlb history:

1933 - Philadelphia Athletics owner Connie Mack sells catcher Mickey Cochrane to the Detroit Tigers for $100,000. Cochrane is named Detroit manager.
Nine days later, Mack sells Lefty Grove, Max Bishop, and Rube Walberg to the Boston Red Sox for $125,000, and George Earnshaw goes to the Chicago White Sox for $20,000 and another player.

1956 - Once again, the Detroit Tigers trade pitcher Virgil Trucks. This time, Trucks will go along with Ned Garver, Gene Host, Wayne Belardi and $20,000 to the Kansas City Athletics for Bill Harrington, Jack Crimian, Eddie Robinson and Jim Finigan.

1958: American League President Will Harridge announces his retirement.

1962 - Former players Frank Crosetti and Johnny Schulte file a suit to halt any increased Major League Baseball pension benefits that fail to include old-time players.

1968: The MLB Rules Committee adopts a series of changes designed to increase the amount of offensive run production in both leagues. In the most significant alterations, the committee agrees to decrease the size of the strike zone and lower the height of the pitcher's mound from 15 inches to 10 inches. The rules changes will result in increased run-scoring in 1969.

December 3, 2013: The Detroit Tigers sign reliever Joe Nathan, who moves to the Tigers on a two-year contract.

Tigers players birthdays:

Delos Drake 1911.

Chad Durbin 2006-2007.

Gary Glover 2008.

Andy Oliver 2010-2011.

Tigers players who passed away:

Earl Johnson 1951.

from baseball reference