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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

December 30 in Tigers and mlb history :

1907 - The Mills Commission on the origins of baseball reports that the game was invented by Abner Doubleday in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839. The Commission is convinced by the testimony of Abner Graves, who claimed to be a childhood companion of Doubleday's. Grave's story is later "verified" when an old, rotting ball is found among his personal effects; the ball is now in the Hall of Fame. The Commission ignores the fact that Doubleday did not graduate from West Point until 1842.

1926 - The Chicago Tribune breaks a story that the Detroit Tigers have thrown a four-game series to the Chicago White Sox in 1917 to help Chicago win the pennant. Responding to the publicity, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis convenes a hearing on the matter, but dismisses all charges. Landis can find no witnesses to confirm any part of Swede Risberg's claim.

Tigers players birthdays :

from baseball reference
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Tigers interested in Matt Garza.
from detroittigertales

Lee: do you want to trade your best prospect trading chip for two years of Garza or do you want to save him for something bigger? It might depend on what else they can do. If they are able to acquire Garza and also make an upgrade or two offensively, this would put them in really good position to win it all the next couple of years. Otherwise, they might be better off waiting to see how things look prior to next season's deadline.