So because there isn't AS MUCH interest as baseball and football, that explains why a country with a 40 to 1 population ratio can't compete with the likes of Croatia? I'm not buying it. They made it to the quarterfinals back in 2002 and haven't sniffed it since. That speaks to a shitty program imo and not lack of interest.
We love to win (US Soccer doesn't do this), hate ties (happen often in soccer), hate flopping (though that doesn't explain why NBA numbers are up), no commercial breaks to feed our fat fucking faces, and not enough offense.
Sure, there is some deeper answer about when global sports became a big thing at the end of the 19th century, baseball took America by storm while soccer took most of the rest of the world. Then basketball started popping up at the start of the 20th century. And then when football became more than a college past time after WW1 that meant even less time for soccer. In most other countries, they were content with soccer (a cheap sport) while America kept coming up with new ways to entertain.