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Game 3 - Lions @ Vikings Thread

Negate an otherwise good effort by about 25 other guys. I hate players like that.
coel73 said:
Playcalling like losers. They're gonna fuck around and give this game away.

I hope you weren't expect them to pass the ball on 2nd and 27 at the 4 yard line.
backus....wtf. worst game i've ever seen him play. 3 or 4 penalties, 3 sacks, fuck.
johnny2x2x said:
Wow, Backus cost us 17 yards there and if they get a FG to win, he and he alone lost this game!!!

i expected more from a Michigan man
Romneybot said:
coel73 said:
Playcalling like losers. They're gonna fuck around and give this game away.

I hope you weren't expect them to pass the ball on 2nd and 27 at the 4 yard line.

Running the ball from in the endzone straight at Jared Allen
coel73 said:
Playcalling like losers. They're gonna fuck around and give this game away.

They had to run the ball there.

An incomplete pass is what gives the Vikings the game.

They are going to OT right now because they ran it.
coel73 said:
Romneybot said:
I hope you weren't expect them to pass the ball on 2nd and 27 at the 4 yard line.

Running the ball from in the endzone straight at Jared Allen

It beats getting sacked in the endzone by Jared Allen
coel73 said:
Romneybot said:
I hope you weren't expect them to pass the ball on 2nd and 27 at the 4 yard line.

Running the ball from in the endzone straight at Jared Allen
Exactly. BTW, where's the clown that said the Vikings DEs suck earlier?
coel73 said:
Romneybot said:
I hope you weren't expect them to pass the ball on 2nd and 27 at the 4 yard line.

Running the ball from in the endzone straight at Jared Allen

it wasn't at jared allen. jahvid bounced it outside.